#3 Happy birthday Connor!

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AN: Okay. I'm scared! In the #1 chpater I guessed Connor's birthday was the 15th of August and today, (the 15th of August) Bryan said it was Connor's birthday! Spooooooky! Maybe I'm psychic!

Here's a mini chapter for you guys!

Time since android revolution: A few months.

Hank and Y/N were walking around the office. Y/N was giggling to herself as she put up banners. Somehow she had managed to leave the house without Connor noticing. Given the man doesnt sleep, this seemed like a small victory.
"Hank are you almost done?" Y/N whisper shouted over the office.
"I would'a told you if I was done Y/N." Hank said. "This isn't the first birthday party I've been in charge of." Hank paused for a minute, he had upset himself. Y/N could tell how he was feeling so decided to change the mood.
"Remember my 21st?" Y/N reminisced. Hank laughed.
"I dont think many people remember your 21st." he said. "We all got lights out drunk."
"That is true." Y/N admitted. "Can you pass me another pin?" she asked from across the room. Hank walked over and passed the pin.
"What the fuck are you two doing to my police station?" it was the captain. Y/N jumped in fright and almost fell from the seat she was balancing on.
"Its Connor's birthday!" Y/N said happily.
"And why does that mean you can vandalise my station like this?" the captain put his hands on his hips and looked at the banner that read 'happy 1st birthday Connor!' and slowly looked around to see strings of streamers everywhere and confetti all over the floor. "Couldn't you have done this at your own home?" Y/N and Hank looked at each other hoping that the other would come up with a reason.
"Ahh... We..." Hank said.
"We just thought, here is a bigger place... all of his friends will be here anyway... and!" she said the and with excitement. "Just think. Detroit throws birthday party for android war hero. Can;t say no to that." Hank nodded in agreement.
"Shit you're right. Fine. but next time ask okay?" the captain stormed off to his office. Y/N and Hank smiled before carrying on with the decorations.

Y/N texted all the coworkers hoping they would all arrive 15 minutes early so they could all hide and surprise Connor.
"Okay, people get in place!" Y/N shouted clapping her hands. "Make sure you hide somewhere he cant see you. remember he analyses every room before entering so if he sees a foot sticking out from behind a desk... he will know!"
"But." one of the coworkers said. "If he can see a foot from behind a desk, then he can see all the banners hanging from the ceiling."
"Stop ruining the fun Jeff." Y/N said annoyed. Everyone ran to their designated places and hid with the light off. From the front office they could hear Connor swiping his card allowing him access into the main office.
"Hello?" he asked walking into the dark room. He was worried. "Y/N? Lieutenant?" before he even had a chance to scan the room someone flicked the lights on and everyone shouted.
"SURPRISE!" Connor jumped back. This situation was not what he was expecting. All around him was his coworkers and his friends. He couldn't help but let himself smile. He was over run with emotions. Y/N rushed forward and hugged him close to her.
"What is this?" Connor asked.
"It's your birthday!" Y/N explained smiling. "This is your birthday party." Connor looked at everyone with a new found happiness. Before he was just happy that all of his friends were here at one place but now that he knew they were all here for him just made it better.

The humans drank alcohol while the androids were given some bottles of cyberlife blue fluid. Y/N dropped some fruity flavourings into the fluid to hopefully make it more exciting. She knew androids didn't drink or eat so she couldn't provide any party food for them. Although perhaps it was a good thing that androids didn't drink, especially alcohol since the people of Detroit still needed some officers still on duty and the human police were already drunk. She sipped on her own fruity cocktail and watched as everyone had fun. Hank walked over to her and leaned on a desk.
"I'm not sure how you managed to do all of this with out Connor finding out." Hank commented.
"It wasn't easy." Y/N commented. "He was beginning to notice that I was buying things and hiding them from him. My only hope is that he didnt go snooping while I wasnt around." Hank laughed.
"That is what I worried about with Cole..." Hank said. Y/N was worried Hank would upset himself again but the smile didnt fall from his face. "We would hide the decorations and his presents on a high shelf. The older he got the closer he got to figuring out how to reach them. One year I even found him trying to climb a chair to reach. His mother gave me an earful for that. As if it was my fault."
"She was a ray of sunshine wasn't she" Y/N said rolling her eyes. Hank glanced at his desk and read the 'If I wanted to be ignored, I'd talk to my ex-wife.' sticker he proudly had on his pin board.
"It's been nice... throwing birthday parties for you, and now Connor." Hank admitted. Y/N smiled up at the man. Hank cleared his throat. "I'm just glad there are less crying children thank fuck." Y/N raised her eyebrow and looked over at some of the drunk humans crying on the shoulders of very sober androids who were unsure of what to do.
"How are drunk adults better than children? Both end up crying and throwing up cake." Hank chuckled.
"Yeah. But I dont have to deal with it." they sat in silence for a moment before Hank said, "Connor is one years old."
"Please dont. I already had that thought." she shivered. "I'm dating a one year old. I should be locked up." she took a large gulp of her cocktail. she looked at Hank and noticed he wasn't drinking. "Where is your drink?" she asked.
"Thought I might give being sober a try." Hank admitted. Before he could say anything else Connor walked over to them wearing a birthday coned hat. His hat was on in a perfect straight line.
"Connor! How has your birthday been?" Y/N asked with a grin.
"It's made me very happy. however, is it safe to have this many drunken people all in one place?" Connor asked. He still had quite a few things to learn about the world. He was learning new things every day.
"Probably." Y/N shrugged. She lent forward and gave Connor a quick kiss on the cheek. She saw a spare matching party hat and put it on Hank. This hat wasnt as correctly placed as Connors. Y/N laughed as she quickly took a picture before Hank could rip his hat off. Y/N looked down at the photo in her hand. Connor was fixing his tie and Hank was mad.

Y/N looked at the photo she had taken all those years ago. She couldnt remember how many birthdays had passed since that one. She smiled at the memory of her laughing so hard at the photo seconds after she had taken it. she felt a little sad that she herself wasnt in the photo but then, if she was in the photo then it would show how much she had aged since that day. She found herself looking at old photos, anything to remember how life was back then.
"What photo are you looking at today mom?" Little Hank asked walking into the room.
"A photo I took of your dad at his first birthday party with your Grandad." Y/N said passing the photo across to her son.
"Ha!" Little Hank said. "Grandad never changed did he? Always grumpy. I sometimes wish I knew you guys back then."
"If you want to know stories of what we were like, its better to ask your dad. He has a much better memory than me." Little Hank scoffed.
"But when Dad tells stories he always likes to add how beautiful you looked. Its kinda cringy." Little Hank admitted.
"I'll make sure to tell your wife you said that." Y/N said to her son. Little Hank passed the photo back to his mother who put it back where it belonged but not before she gave it one last look. She wasn't sure how many more birthdays she had in her. Not that she would ever admit that to Connor. She didnt want him worrying about her. She wanted him to always be as happy as he was when he had his first birthday. She couldnt bring herself to think of an upset Connor. She may not have a brilliant memory but she would always remember how he smiled when they all shouted surprise as he walked into the office. Always.

AN: Did you think this was going to be all fluffy and happy? Nah, I enjoy breaking hearts too much! Anyway! Happy -20th birthday Connor!

Heres my bad attempt of making the photo. I dont have photo shop so I did what I could with what I had.

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