*Chapter 8*

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First published: June 21st 2018
Last edited: 1st March 2022

Words: 2262

Y/N opened her eyes and groaned as the light from outside flooded in from the window. She had forgotten to close the curtains last night. As her eyes became more adjusted to the light she noticed something stood in her room, or someone... she screamed as she saw Connor.

"My gosh you scared me!" She put her hand to her chest. "I thought you were going to leave after I fell asleep." Connor stepped forward.
"Good morning Y/N, my name is Connor. I'm the android sent by cyberlife." Y/N narrowed her eyes at him.
"I know who you are Connor. I might have gotten hit on the head yesterday but I don't have amnesia." She narrowed her eyes and shook her head with confusion. 

"I'm sorry for the confusion. My predecessor was unfortunately destroyed last night. But Cyberlife transferred its memory and sent me to replace it."
"Excuse me? Destroyed? What do you mean destroyed?" Y/N said.
"Lieutenant Anderson shot the original Connor last night after it returned his car." This new Connor said it like it was nothing. Like he was sent out like a spare part. 

"So... Does that mean that Connor... the old Connor, is dead?" She asked. She felt her lip tremble at the thought of Connor being dead while wrapping her head around the fact that Connor was still standing in front of her. 
"Androids can not die. We don't have a concept of death. We are only interrupted. I have all the memories and physical aspects of my predecessor." 
"I'm going to kill Hank." Y/N muttered under her breath, Connor still heard her though. 
"That would be illegal. I would advise against it."

"Not literally!" She became silent and she could feel herself losing the battle of fighting back the tears. She looked up at the Connor in front of her. He looked, sounded, acted, and even had the memories of her Connor. So why did she feel so upset about it? She knew it was illogical but she couldn't help it. She saw the androids as something more than something that could be easily replaced. They weren't your toaster that you threw out when they broke. Y/N took a deep breath.

"Why are you here Connor?" Y/N asked.
"I called you several times as a new investigation was called in. You didn't answer so I came here to check on you. You have slept most of the day."

"When you say most of the day, what time is it?"
"3 in the afternoon." Y/N's eyes widened and without a word, she jumped out of bed and ran into the bathroom to get ready. Once dressed and ready Connor called a taxi and they rode together to the crime scene.

Hank was slightly amazed to see Connor, but he didn't say anything. Connor walked a few steps ahead of them as they walked to the scene.
"You killed him last night!" Y/N accused.
"I was drunk. Sue me." He replied as if it was nothing.
"You were drunk..." Y/N repeated. "My god Hank are you actually crazy? What if Cyberlife makes you pay? What if he didn't come back and we had lost him."

"Get off my back okay. None of that crap is going to happen." They got into the elevator and it was a slow ride to the top.
"Why did you shoot me, last night Lieutenant?" Connor asked curiously. Hank rolled his eyes.
"Who cares. You are back this morning aren't ya?" He wasn't ready to be grilled by his partner and his android.
"Some fragments of memory are lost every time I am destroyed. It slows down the investigation."
"My humblest apologies. I promise never to shoot you again." Hank sarcastically answered.
"Thank you, lieutenant," Connor replied almost with the same level of sarcasm. Y/N grinned to herself. Okay. This Connor was the same as the last one. He still had his playful humor. Like how he winked at her. She smiled at the memory. 

They arrived at the 79th floor of the building with a slightly less awkward atmosphere around them. As the doors opened it revealed CSI and FBI everywhere. What had Y/N missed when she had been asleep.
"I have one lie in and hell breaks loose! What is all of this?"
"Afternoon Y/N," Chris said. "It's all over the news. Everyone is sticking their nose in." Hank noticed the FBI.

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