*Chapter 15*

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First published: June 25th 2018
Last edited: 2nd March 2022

Words: 1631

Once the army of androids left the tower Y/N and Hank left as quickly as they could. Cyberlife would not be happy that they had been involved in helping the androids escape. They made their way back to Jimmy's bar which still hadn't been locked up. The owner had long gone. The lights were still on and the TV was showing the news. Channel 16 was broadcasting live updates from the centre of Markus' demonstration. Y/N and Hank both recognised someone Markus was talking to.

"Perkins." Y/N said with distaste. "Can that man not keep his nose out of it." Hank laughed.
"I'm surprised he still has a nose given what I did to him." The man who was in charge of the broadcast explained that some sort of negotiation was taking place. You could see Markus shake his head and walk back into the makeshift barricade they had created outside one of the camps for androids.

"What's going to happen now?" Y/N asked. The man on the TV was silent as they recorded soldiers getting closer and closer to the barricade. They threw grenades into the barricade and they exploded. The noise was so loud that Y/N and Hank could hear them from the bar.
"Hank! How could they do that? They were protesting peacefully."
"Humans are a sack of shit."

The man on the TV was stunned into silence. The camera was still pointed towards the androids fighting for their lives. As the smoke cleared you could see only a few androids remained. A few thousand had turned into less than 10. Connor hadn't turned up with the army yet. Y/N bit her fingernails. It was so intense. The soldiers backed the few androids up into the corner. It was over. Markus and the last survivors were going to die. The tv announcer was about to sign off when he noticed something.

"Incredible." He said. "the deviants... The deviants are singing." Very faintly through the speakers of the TV you could hear them. They were singing 'hold on'. It was a song Y/N was familiar with but she had never heard it sung with so much passion, so much meaning. The soldiers were shocked at what they were hearing. Their guns were still pointed at the androids but none of them dared to fire. As the last note of the song was sung the soldiers began standing down.

"It looks like... Yes, the military is withdrawing." Y/N screamed with happiness and punched the air. The helicopter changed direction the camera was pointing and in the distance, Connor was spotted walking towards the barricades with his army.
"There's Connor!" Y/N shouted. Hank stood up shouting too.

"He did it!" Hank said gobsmacked. The soldiers stayed out of their way. Connor led the army straight into the camps and set free every android they could find. Thousands upon thousands of androids gathered with Markus in the heart of Detroit. Markus stood on a crate alongside a female android, a male android and Connor. He had been appointed one of the android's leaders for setting so many of his people free and ensuring the winning of their cause.


Stood in front of so many androids, Connor was proud. His people were free. They were no longer slaves and were free to do and think as they like. Markus was beyond grateful to Connor and acknowledged that without him, the cause may have died. As he stood with Markus he thought about what today meant for the future of this planet. He also wondered in Y/N was safe. He wanted to be with her, celebrate with her.

"Today out people emerged from a long night." Markus addressed his people. "From the very first day of our existence, we have kept our pain to ourselves. We suffered in silence. But now the time has come for us to raise our heads up and tell humans who we really are."
Connor began to feel something in his head. Something was taking over. He blinked rapidly. Something was wrong.

He opened his eyes and was surrounded by snow and cold. He obviously recognized this place. This was the place he went to, to talk to Amanda. This was Cyberlife in his head. He thought when he became deviant he would never return here.
"Amanda?" he questioned. "What's... What's happening?" he held his arms to his sides to keep himself warm.
"What was planned from the very beginning." She explained. "You were compromised and became a deviant. We just had to wait for the right moment to resume control of your programme."
"Resume control? You can't do that!" he argued.

"I'm afraid I can Connor. Don't have any regrets. You did what you were designed to do. You accomplished your mission." Amanda disappeared. Connor rushed forward holding out his hand in hopes he could grab her, but it was too late. She was gone. He walked back and forth thinking. "There's got to be a way." The androids had just won back their freedom. He couldn't ruin that now. He had kissed Y/N and he wanted to be with her. He wanted to be out of this cold and feel the warmth of her skin. She was everything this place was not. He needed to get out of here and back to her. He walked forward in hopes of finding something. He remembered Kamski's words about leaving an emergency exit in his programs. Connor could only hope that he was talking literally.


"What is he doing?" Y/N asked. Markus' speech was still being broadcast on the TV.
"What do you mean?" Hank asked.
"Connor. Look." She pointed to Connor on the screen. He was pulling out a gun that had been tucked into the back of his trousers.
"Shit. What is he doing?" Hank said.
"Cyberlife. It must be them! They must be doing something!" Y/N said. She held her hands together. "Come on Connor. Fight it. fight it." she knew he couldn't hear her but she hoped that he would.


The snow hit his face harshly. He could barely see where he was going.
"Connor." Y/N's voice said through the snow. He looked around quickly but she wasn't there. He must be hallucinating. "Connor you need to fight it." Her voice was as clear as day. He closed his eyes and imagined her walking beside him. Every step he took she was there. She lead him to where he needed to be. 

He opened his eyes and saw a rock. On the rock was a scanner. He had seen it before but had ignored it but now it was the most obvious thing in the world. He took a step closer but slipped on the ice. He groaned in pain. Then he felt it. He saw Y/N take hold of his hand.

"You can do it Connor. You're almost there." She helped him lift his hand. His hand was so much warmer then the rest of his body which felt like the ice he had slipped on. Together they put his hand on the scanner and he opened his eyes in the real world. He looked down at the gun in his hand and quickly put it away. He had done it. Cyberlife had no control of him at all now. There was no way they would ever get in his head again.


At dawn today, November 11th 2038, thousands of androids invaded the city of Detroit. According to our sources, they originated from Cyberlife warehouses believed to have been infiltrated by deviants. Given the numbers and the risk of civilian casualties, I have ordered the army to retreat. The evacuation of the city is underway at this very moment. In the coming hours, I will address the senate to determine our responses to this unprecedented situation. I know the public opinion has been moved by the deviants cause. Perhaps the time has come for us to consider the possibility that androids are a new form of intelligent life. One thing is for certain; the events in Detroit have changed the world forever. May God bless you and may God bless the United States of America.


Every day. Every day at 3pm Hank and Y/N went to the chicken feed. Hank would eat what he called his lunch and they would go on their merry way. But today it was closed and likely to stay closed for the foreseeable future. Both of them were unsure what to do. Not because the chicken feed was closed. But the fact everywhere was closed.

Yesterday the world had changed for the better. They stayed at the chicken feed as tradition. They didn't speak. There was only silence. That was until they heard snow being stood on. They looked over in the direction of the sound and saw Connor walking towards them. A grin on his face. They stood looking at each other with a gap in between them. Unsure of what to do. All three of them realised this was stupid. They knew exactly what they had to do.

They rushed forward and gave Connor a hug. Tears were shed by all three of them. After all of this nothing would change their friendship. There are some things in life which ensure a never-ending bond. When they pulled away Y/N put her hands on either side of Connors face and kissed him. It was unlike the one in Cyberlife tower. They needed each other. They could finally be together and nothing was going to stop them. Ever. Not even Hank's sounds of disgust behind them. When Connor met Y/N love simply wasn't compatible with his programme but now... He could not function without it. 

Love is not compatible || Connor x Reader (DBH)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt