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-Jimin's pov-

Seren had been avoiding me like the plague lately, giving me no chance to talk to her and apologize.

I was honestly just offended at —well, her future husband. I felt like, his existence just made everything became worse between me and her. Or maybe it was just me?


I flinched at the voice that called my name. I shifted my gaze from the window to the owner of the voice who was comfortably resting in my bed.

"How about you give something to Seren and talk to her nicely?" Yoongi suggested.

"Forget it. She's getting married anyway." I sighed as I proceeded to stare through the window.

The rain had gotten heavier and the room was getting colder than usual. There were just so much things going through my mind, and it was so frustrating. I wanted to scream like the storm and cry my eyes out with the crying clouds.

"At least tell her that you're sorry for being rude that day." he spoke up again.

"Why did she choose that guy? I thought she hates him." I threw the question at him which I knew that he didn't know the answer.

"Ask her yourself."

Well what can you expect from Min Yoongi?

He pulled the sheet and covered his body from the cold. He was treating my bed like his.

My eyes fell on the clock on the wall. I still had about half an hour before it strike 11 pm, still had time for me to take a walk at the outside.

I grabbed for an umbrella and stepped out from the house without hesitation. I stole a glance at the house next to ours then left.

I didn't know where to go and just aimlessly walked along the wet road. Walking under the rain with an umbrella soothed my heart and brought steadiness to my soul. All of my worries were washed away. There was something cathartic about the rain, my mood lifted up a bit.

Maybe I really should give something to Seren like what Yoongi-hyung said. There was a 24 hours store nearby, maybe I should buy her chocolates?

I unknowingly smiled imagining how happy she would look if I hand those chocolates to her. So, I decited to visit the store.

As soon as I stepped into the store, I facepalmed realizing that I didn't bring my wallet along. How stupid I was, I got too excited. With a sigh, I walked out of the store in depression.

It drove me crazy when I saw two familiar figures standing next to a car not too far from where I stood, both were soaking wet because of the rain.

Seren and Seongwoo.

Damn. What a bad luck to see them together out here. The sight of the two of them together made me upset.

"What? Are they holding hands now?" I scoffed annoyingly when my eyes caught his hand holding hers.

Enough. My heart wasn't prepared for this, I didn't want to feel more broken than I currently did. Now I could only bury this pain inside me and hope to deal with it later.

Slowly, I turned my body around and weakly began my journey back home. However, after I took three steps forward, I heard someone screamed. The sound of the rain was loud enough to block the other noises. But how, how was I able to hear her voice?

My head immediately turned towards her. My eyes widened seeing her running towards me while begging to save her. Behind her, Seongwoo was chasing after her like a monster.

Without thinking any longer, I ran to her and let her hid behind me. Seeing her expression, I guess she wasn't actually expecting me to be there. Also, I couldn't tell whether it was tears or rain streaming down her beautiful face.

Seren was tightly holding on to my shirt, she was shaking from head to toe. At the moment I just hoped that she wouldn't tear my shirt.

I had no idea what was happening between the two of them but at that time, I knew I had to protect her from him no matter what.

Seongwoo didn't say anything as he approached me but I could see his eyes flashed with anger and hatred.

Without a warn, his fist struck out, smashing me in the face. I stumbled backward but managed to balance myself again. That hurt.

I sensed another one coming but I acted fast by kicking him on the stomach which made him fell into the soaked ground with water splashing everywhere.

It wasn't my intention to hurt him but if I just stood there doing nothing, he might hurt us instead. He quickly stood up and was ready to fight but when someone was passing by the area, he decided to stop.

"You are mine, Kang Seren." He groaned before leaving the place.

Seren was already trembling in fear, her legs weakened. She fell on her knees and cried her eyes out.

I couldn't bear to see her crying, slowly I crouched down.

"Are you okay? What happened?" I asked as soft as possible. She seemed so fragile that I wanted to comfort her in my arms.

"I told him that I don't want to marry him and— and—" She was stuttering, I didn't want to force her to talk.

But then, my eyes caught something weird on her wrist. It was red.

"He did this to you?" I frowned while staring at her bruised wrist. The guy was absolutely dangerous and insane.

She nodded her head with tears rolling down her cheeks non-stop. She needed her family by her side right now, so I led her home.

Her dad, mom, and Daniel were all worried about her. She was supposed to come back from the store before ten, but unfortunately, she met Seongwoo.

I told everything that I knew while Seren was peacefully asleep in her mom's arms. Daniel was obviously shocked to hear my story about his friend Seongwoo who also left a small bruise on the corner of my lips. I guess he had no idea how crazy his friend was.

"I shouldn't have trusted that boy." Her dad sighed.

I could see the depth of the regret in his eyes. He knew he had made a mistake, a really huge one which could destroy his daughter's life.

"I just want someone who can always be there to protect her. I'm already old and weak." He cupped his face with both of his hands.

He forbade her from dating any guy as he hated the idea of her spending time with a man who had no intention in making her his wife. But he had chosen a wrong person. Ong Seongwoo wasn't the right person. Absolutely not.

And Seren, she had the right to choose whom to marry.

"Jimin-ssi," he suddenly called my name and stared into my eyes while I stared back.

"What do you think of my daughter?"

-End of pov-

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