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One week had passed and everyone had returned to their normal lives. Since the vacation, you grew closer to Taehyung and Jimin the most and even became more comfortable around them. The biggest changes you could see were, Jimin had stopped blushing a lot and Taehyung began to talk to you more.

Sadly, there was no news about Anpan. He disappeared since that night and never showed up to you anymore whenever you went out to lock the gates.

And unfortunately, Seongwoo still wanted you back.

"Get out Ong Seongwoo! Why are you still--"

"Because I love you so much!" He slammed his fist down onto the surface of your desk, so hard that your coffee cup jumped up and crashed to the floor.

That managed to shut your lips.

"I realize that I shouldn't have dumped you. You scared me out when you mentioned about marriage that day. I needed time to think. But when those guys showed up, I got so mad knowing that they are close to you."

"Move on, dude. I like someone else." You stood up straight and headed to the door.

But then Seongwoo moved faster than you. He ran towards the door and blocked your hand from reaching for the doorknob.

"Who?" He sent you a death glare.

"Why should I tell you?" You scoffed which totally pissed him off. The pissiness on his face rivaled yours.

"Tell me who." he put his other hand on the wall behind you and leaned closer to your face leaving only a small gap between you two.

He came nearer and nearer until you could feel his warm breath brushed your skin. Seeing you trapped between his arms, he evilly smirked.

"Excuji me?"

The door was abruptly opened from the other side and sent him flying through the air in a blink of an eye. Thanks to Jimin, Seongwoo ended up kissing the cold hard floor instead.

He arrived exactly right on time and did exactly the right thing. He realized what he just done and wanted to apologize but when he saw that person's face he accidentally hit with the door, he suddenly felt proud of himself.

"Sorry, they told me to just come in so yeah." He shrugged.

Before Seongwoo could stand on his feet again, you quickly brought Jimin far from that place or else Seongwoo would start a fight.

"Jimin? Why are you here?"

"Daniel ordered some breads from our cafe so here you go." He handed a large paper bag with a lot of delicious breads inside to you.

The smell of the freshly baked breads made your mouth watered in an instant. Just imagining about how good and wonderful they would taste already lifted your mood up.

"He said you haven't eaten anything since last night and this morning, you woke up late. Really?" He purposely asked just to talk with you more though he had been warned not to stay long there.

"Yeah, I had to finish some unfinished works. You see, Seongwoo keeps on bugging me when I'm working. So I had to continue the unfinished ones at home." You explained, eyes still glued to the breads.

Jimin was irritated hearing about Seongwoo from you. He wished he could stop him from disturbing you, but how?

"Anyway Seren-ah, If he's around, please have at least one person you can trust by your side. What if he hurts you again like before?" He frowned then glanced at your wrist. It would take some more time to fully heal.

"I'll be more careful around him, I promise." You giggled which made his heart warmer.

"Good. See you later, I've to get back to work." He waved his hand to you and made his way to the exit.

But then, he suddenly turned his body around and smiled to you. "By the way, that's such a nice bracelet!"

You took a quick glance at the bracelet that Taehyung gave you and smiled back to him, "I know right! By the way thank you for the breads!"

After stepping out of the building, Jimin went back to the van in a hurry and drove off. For the whole time, he was thinking for a way to protect you from Seongwoo. A crazy idea actually popped into his head. But yea, a crazy one tho.

Soon, he realized that he had arrived in front of the cafe. He got off with his stuffs and rushed into the cafe. Hoseok was the first one to notice his arrival.

"Yah, Jimin-ah! She is here."

"She? Who?" He blankly stared at him.

"Your girlfriend." He replied and made Jimin froze like a stone for a moment.

"Min Yoonji is here?!"

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