Chapter 37: The Ways of the Universe

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A N D R E W   D A L T O N

The buzzer for the front gate rings, but I don't bother to get up and answer. Ever since Shortcake broke the news to me that she was going on a date with Max, it felt like an invisible hand had squeezed my chest and knocked all of the air out of me.

All week, my phone had chimed off, Jacob trying to get a hold of me, but I never responded. I needed to be alone and accept that she was slowly slipping away from me. The girl that had completely flipped my world upside down was going on a date with one of my closest friends. Shit.

Eventually, my mom answers and I hear her muffled voice speak into the microphone.

"Andrew, can you come down here?" She calls out from somewhere downstairs. I grumble and reluctantly hit pause on Pirates of the Caribbean as I roll off of my bed. I stroll downstairs and see my mom standing next to a transparent container filled with Christmas decorations. 

"Can you put this box up there?" She points to the vacant spot on top of the bookshelf. I pick up the box and raise it to the spot she wanted.  Then, the doorbell rings throughout the house.

"Could you get the door? I have to finish up putting away the rest of the Christmas decorations." After strolling a few steps, I open the door and ecstasy along with dread wash over me. My eyes bore into her as I try my best to convince myself that she's really there in front of me and that I'm not going crazy. She fidgets nervously and her eyes dart back and forth as she speaks.


"I should've listened to my heart, not my head. No matter how hard I've tried to push you away, everything leads back to you. My thoughts, the way my heart flutters rapidly and the emotions I feel when you're around. Everything." I inhale a deep breath as I prepare myself for my next words, "What I'm trying to say is...I choose you. I choose you, Andrew Dalton."

Immediately, his hands wrap around my waist and yank me into his chest. His hands tangle in my hair and his lips crash onto mines. I let out a gasp followed by a chuckle before kissing him back.

Looping my arms around his neck and pulling him down closer to me, I press my body against his, slightly arching my back. Our lips move perfectly in sync and he slides his tongue against my lips, letting out a low growl. After giving me one last lingering kiss, he slowly pulls away, breath shallow, and looks long and deeply into my eyes.

His lips curve up to a huge grin and my mouth does the same. His hands move down my body and wrap firmly around my waist before hoisting me up into the air. Stopping me off of my feet and twirling me around, I squeak and let out a laugh. His neck and chest vibrate as he lets out a joyous laugh and sets me down.

"It's so good to finally hear that laugh...and see that smile. I can't believe you're really here," he sighs, left slightly speechless as he strokes my cheek with his knuckles before cupping it and rubbing small circles below my eye with his thumb. I involuntarily close my eyes and place my hand over his as I nestle further into his touch, savoring the warmth his hand radiated. My heart was thumping out of my chest, yet I felt serene in his arms.

"I can't believe I'm here either," I chuckle at his words, quite astounded myself with my recent actions.

"Andrew, what is she still doing outside? Bring her in here." I peek over Andrew's shoulders and Emily greets me with her pearly whites. I laugh and wave back at her, but Andrew rolls his eyes.

"It's so good to see you again, honey. Ever since you've stopped coming around recently, Andrew's been—"

"Okay, mom. I think we're going to head up to my room," Andrew interjects. He places a hand on the small of my back and guides me towards the stairs. Without being able to say a single word to Emily, Andrew pushes me into his room and closes the door.

I Choose You | ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora