Youngblood- Hwang Hyunjin

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Based off of a 5sos song (:  sorry if the chapter is confusing its from my tumblr the format is different

"Remember the words you told me, love me till the day I die."

You both knew you would have given him everything, normally you didn't fall for boys like him. You moved around a lot, from boy to boy. No doubt about it you regretted it, but you got what you wanted.

Until Hyunjin came along, his smile and kind personality always seemed to drag you out if your 'I don't care about anything' mind set. You didn't mind,  he was caring. Yet he never knew about who you were or what you did, making you fall in love with him more than you wanted.

You took a chance on changing and began to date him, you completely turned yourself around. It felt right for all the wrong reasons.

Your POV

Hyunjin seems to disappear a lot, I don't know where too. Although it does intrigue me, I never seem to look all that much into it. He comes home late at night, not drunk or anything like that. He's just tired, right?

"Surrender my everything cause you made me believe your mine."

As he entered the house, slamming the front door and heading upstairs without saying a word to me; I noticed what seemed like marks on his face and arms. Brushing it off as a fall I continued my television show and shortly headed to my room after.

Once again the same routine, he leaves before I even wake up. Most times coming home after I'm asleep. I continued on with my day like normal, occasionally dozing off once and a while. I out myself up to the task to find out where he was going, I'd had enough and didn't wanna do it anymore.

"You used to call me baby, now you're calling me by name"

I finished folding all my clothes and making my bed, when the doorbell from downstairs rang. Not expecting any guests I threw my hair into a ponytail and ran downstairs to answer the door. Upon opening it, three girls around my age stood outside with nervous looks spread across their faces.

"Hi... Are you Y/N?" One of them asked shakingly

"That would be me. Can I help you?" I smiled

"We needed to talk to you..about Hyunjin. I'm Brooklyn, this is Eva and Daisy.." Brooklyn said

"Oh sure. Come inside!" I said

They came inside and sat one by one onto the couch.

"So uh, you're his partner correct?" Daisy asked

"I mean I guess, I dint really see much of him anymore. But you could say that." I said, pulling a water bottle from the fridge.

"Takes one to know one, you beat me at my own damn game."

"You said you've been wondering where's he's going.. I think we all have an idea." Eva sighed

"Well I mean anything you two can do to help me.." I chuckled

"He's been cheating on you, with us. Or cheating on us with you, we just needed right tell you. We just found out out earlier.." Brooklyn said

"I give and I give and I give and you take."

"They showed me a the proof I need Hyunjin its right here!" I yelled, shoving my phone full of screenshots into his face.

"It's not like you didn't do the same thing! Let's be real here we both know what you were doing before we even met!" He threw back.

"Yeah but Hyunjin we weren't together, Hyunjin that was different." I softly said, insulted by the words he said.

"I just don't think this'll work anymore. I should have broke it off sooner but I know this would have happened." He sighed as he stormed off out if the house.

"Said you want me out of your life."

Three years had passed and I had never heard from Hyunjin or these girls again. Rebuilding myself really did something, I found a stable relationship and was actually happy.

Somewhat forgetting about Hyunjin after everything had happened.

Until one day, he showed up at a party I had thrown.

As I danced to the music, talked to friends and downed shots like no tomorrow; his blurry figure passed beside me.


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