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For what seemed to be the first time in the past week Maddie was up on her normal time having to wake everyone else up and everyone was greatful that they wouldn't be running late as they seemed to be all last week

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For what seemed to be the first time in the past week Maddie was up on her normal time having to wake everyone else up and everyone was greatful that they wouldn't be running late as they seemed to be all last week. Maddie shoved her walkman and earbuds into her bag and threw both of them over her shoulder as she walked into the kitchen with a smile as she grabbed an apple and slipped on her sneakers and threw her dance shoes into her bag before sitting on the couch playing on her phone waiting for Zach to be done so they could leave to do to school. After about ten minutes of waiting May walked into the kitchen with her bag and her black case with her flute. "Hey Maddie." May says smiling as she was always a morning person, Maddie not being one still looked as if she should sleep for another three hours. "Morning May." Maddie says smiling lightly as she refused to let a rude remark leave her mouth from the fact she was still tired. "How'd you sleep?" May asks her voice flowing smoothly as she sat her bag and insturment case down on the floor beside the loveseat she sat in. "Better than last week." Maddie says sitting up more so she is looking at May politely. "I was wondering if something has been bothering you latley? You've been a little distant and you're normally only like that when something is bothering you." May asks and it makes Maddie bite the inside of her cheek. Maddie and May being the two only young girls in the family had learned to confiden in the other, for Maddie it was easy because it was the same with her and Zach except with May it was her time to be protective. Maddie sighed, she couldn't tell May but she had never lied to her before either. "Yeah, something has been bothering me." Maddie said sighing once again. "Well if you need to talk to someone you can talk to me, and if nothing else you can hang out with me if you need something to get it off your mind." May says with the same sweet kind smile that Maddie had grown accustomed to, May knew when Maddie wanted to talk and when she didn't so she decided not to push it and Maddie was greatful for that and she was greatful for the offer to hang out as they hadn't done much of it lately. Zach walked into the room his bags on his shoulders and shoes on nodding to Maddie signaling that it was time to leave so Maddie smiles and hugged May lightly. "Yeah I think I'll take you up on that soon." Maddie said with a small wink making both the girls giggle as Maddie left to the car with Zach and as if a spell hit her she was magically asleep until the car rolled into the parking lot. "Mads we're here." Zach said shaking the small girl by her arm having her wake up and rub her eyes lightly. "Alright." She groaned getting out of the car and walking to the backseat to grab her bags and she yelped when she felt arms wrap around her waist but laughed when they lighted her and turned her around she landed on her feet facing Justin Foley both of them laughing and smiling. Maddie shook her head laughing as she shut the door after slinging her backpack on her shoulders deciding to leave her dance bag in the car until the last half of school. Zach had already walked off leaving the couple alone.

Maddie walked with Justins arm around her both weirdly happy for a Monday morning. "You didn't text or call me." Justin reminds the girl of his note with a teasing tone. "Oh yeah, sorry I got caught up." She says looking down as she adjusts her bags strap as she recalls the events of her being outside Tyler Downs window and listening to his tape. "Nah it's fine, I figured you were busy or else I would have bugged you myself, so uh, how far are you?" Justin asks his voice in a lower tone so not everyone around them would hear and become curious as it normally happened with their group since everyone liked to cause drama. "I just finished Tylers." Maddie said her voice fitting his as she looked around the hallway. Justin nodded as he kept his arm around her shoulders and rubbed them. "How are you holding up?" Justin asked and he took notice of how she didn't have any bags under her eyes and she was her normal skin tone, and he was happy she seemed to be back to her normal self though he knew it was only temperary. "I'm good, I still have a lot of questions, but those can't be answered by anyone here." Maddie said with a small sad smile as she shrugged to the boy leaning up against one of the many lockers and Justin doing the same while looking down at her. "I wish I had the answers for you." Justin said and Maddie smiles at him moving her arm up so she was holding his hand with hers without him having to move. Maddie opened her mouth about to respond to her boyfriend when their attention was brought to the group of boys they were unlucky enough to call their friends who were causing a comotion down the hall. Maddie sighed looking down letting her hand slip from Justins. "You're okay, go." Maddie said with a small teasing smile as she looked up to her boyfriend who now looked down at her. "I'll walk you to second." Justin says pressing a quick kiss to her head as he begins to move away. "Keep em' safe!" Maddie shouts with a smile watching her boyfriend run down the hall. "Always do!" He shouts back as she begins to turn around the small happy shortlived smile wiped off her face when she was met by Tyler Down standing in front of her, this confused her due to the fact he had left her alone all last week, why was it different now? Maybe he thought she got to his tape faster and needed time to cool off? She wasn't sure, all she knew was him being near her was close to the last thing she wanted. "Madison Dempsey, I haven't see you in a while." Tyler said watching her almost as if testing his bounderies with the know short tempered girl. "Tyler Down, it's been great not seeing you." Maddie said sassily as she hooks her thumbs around the arms of her backpack though she felt sick and nervous being this close to the boy and wanted nothing more than to walk the other way.

"Why are you still with him?" Tyler asks his voice was normal and the curiousity was real due to the fact he knew she had the tapes he just wasn't sure how far she had gotten or if she had finished them. Maddie rolled her eyes as she kept walking with the tall lean boy following shortly behind her. "Because I love him." She said almost as if it were obvious. "How far have you gotten?" Tyler asks a sudden boost of confidence coming his way realizing she hadn't gotten far enough for her to loose her trust in the boy. "Far enough to know you're a stalking creep who needs to leave me alone!" Maddie all but shouted as she turned around to face him her arms flailing out from the arms of her bag and all attention was now on the girl who, not for the first or last time, caused a scene. "I'm not a creep." Tyler tried to defend himself in a calm voice not realizing with the girls sudden shout and the hallway becoming silent that the boys she was associated with would come bounding down the hallway. "Hey get away from her!" Justin shouted running forward with the rest of his friends trailing behind him. Tyler was quick to run away and the hallway began to becoming noisy with the chatter of the other students though some still kept their eyes on the couple that stood in the middle of the hallway. Justin wasn't sure if the reason he had called off the boy was because of what he had did to Hannah or because of his fear of her finding out something before he had the time to prepare to handle the girl and the hurt that would come all their ways.

~~~Authors Note~~~
So far no surprise school is kicking my ass even though I'm only a week in, each day I'm challenging myself to write at least a paragraph for the chapter so I can keep up with posting each Monday. This way I won't miss a Monday and maybe I can either make the chapters longer for you guys or post twice a week so we can get this going a bit faster.

To answer any questions Maddie has them before Clay that's why none of the events in the show has happened yet, I figured that would be the realistic way it would happen and it would make the book longer, also I have a lot of plans for season two, also did you guys see they're making a trailer for season three? I don't know if it's out yet but I seen they're making it, I wasn't sure if they would but I'm kinda glad.


𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐝 𝐒𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя