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Maddie sat in the passenger seat next to Zach who drove the car

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Maddie sat in the passenger seat next to Zach who drove the car. Justin and Monty sat in the backseat and Bryce drove the car behind him which held himself, Jessica and Alex. Zach had called his mother after school saying that he needed to have the boys over for extra practice. Of course the only two people who were coming that were actually on the basketball team was Zach himself and Justin but the others just decided to come. Zach had told their mother that Monty and Bryce would be like the ref. and correct anything that would be called out in a game, and their mother agreed to it. Maddie had said even though Jessica and her weren't both on the same sports team they both used some of the same things so it could be fun to have her over to practice with her, at first her mother disagreed but when Maddie pointed out several things that they both did she allowed it, and well Alex just came because he wanted to be with Jessica. As they pulled in and seen Bryces car pull in beside them they all got out, each teen sporting a bag or two weather it be a practice bag or a bookbag, or both. Jessica and Alex had actually never been to Zach and Maddies house so they were admiring the outside of it when Bryce clapsed a hand onto both their shoulders. "Nice isn't it?" Bryce asked his voice coming out smoothly as he gave a pointed look to Maddie which made Justin walk next to his girlfriend. "But not as nice as my place." Bryce said laughing as he let his hands leave the teens shoulders. Maddie rolled her eyes figuring there was no way Bryce could give the house a compliment without making it about him, of course she didn't take it in a bad way. She and Bryce had been friends since they were young children, she had grown accustomed to it and realized that he never meant anything by it. Justin on the other hand couldn't help but roll his eyes ending his hard glare towards the boy who everyone knew as his best friend.

When they entered the house, as always, their mother was cutting apples on the counter and May was sitting at the table. Everyone out of instict took their shoes off at the doorway, Alex and Jessica simply following everyone elses moments. Alex and Jessica had expected to simply either go outside right away or to another room where they would practice, but became surprised as all of the teens sat at the table right away, and it surprised them even more so when everyone became well mannered, even Bryce. Jessica and Alex timidly sat at the table giving their friends weird looks as if they were just meeting them. "Hi Jessica. Alex. Nice to finally meet you. I'm Zach and Maddies mom, and you can call me Karan." Their mother said with a polite smile as she put two apples in front of them. "Nice to meet you too." ALex and Jessica both said at the same time both sporting a kind smile as each of them shook the womans hand.

They had finally made it outside to the large back yard after twenty minutes in the kitchen matched with Jessica and Maddie both changing into a sports bra and a pair of shorts though Jessica choose to wear a baggy shirt over her bra as well. "So do you guys do that every time you're here?" Jessica asked her voice obviously coated in confusion as everyone sat in a circle simply talking before they got the motivation to actually practice more, which nearly never actually came. "Do what?" Justin asked squinting through the bright sun as he looks towards the dark haired girl. "Act polite. You know, take your shoes off, sit at the table?" Jessica was sure they wouldn't do that if they went to anyone elses house. "Yes." Justin sat laughing as if it were obvious. "Our mom is pretty strick, she makes us take our shoes off so it became a habit for them since they actually come her a lot, and well our mother makes us sit at the table and talk about out day even if we have friends over as you could tell." Zach said as Maddie laid down on the grass sprawling out her limbs. "Yeah, they started coming here from a young age, even before they were dicks so now they just keep up the act when they see our mom." Maddie says starig up at the sky as a laugh escapes her lips when she feels Bryces foot kick hers. She lifted herself up by her elbows. "What it's true." She said laughing as she stands up. "Well unlike you guys I actually plan to pratice." Maddie said making everyone stand up ready to follow suit and pratice.

Maddie found herself setting on her bed away from the loud noise coming from the living-room where all of her friends sat. "Hey Maddie." May said smiling while she tapped her knuckles onto the open door having her sister nod her head as a sign for her to come in. "Why aren't you out there? Is something going on with you and Justin?" Mays voice was so small and gentle that Maddie almost missed the question she asked, May had seen several fights from the pair and considering the problems that Maddie had been having she couldn't help but worry it was from the tempermental boy who was was head over heels for. "No May." Maddie said chuckling while she moved some of the stray hairs from her ponytail behind her ear. "Those boys just give me a headace." Maddie said chuckling while looking at her sister whom she was extermley fond of, and May doing the same to the older sister she looked up too, neither of them noticing the boy who stood slightly out of the doorframe trying to figure out if he should walk away or come in but he found himself listening to the sisters conversation without meaning too.

"You really like him don't you?" May asked, even though she was always curious she normally kept her nose out of Zach and Maddies love life, but she had finally convinced herself that it was okay to ask a few questions. Maddie was slightly taken back from the question though she sat up slightly straighter. "Yeah, I do actually." Both the girls chuckled slightly at her words while Justins chest slightly tightened while he clenched his hands, of course he had known that both of them loved each other, they didn't even have to say it to know, but simply hearing her talk about him without her known he was there made it that much more real for him, and slightly more painful knowing that in his heart he wasn't good enough for the girl. "I don't understand. See I have a best friend, his name is Trent, and we act how you and Justin did. Does that mean I'm going to like him?" May unlike Maddie, who was in a friend group which even from a young age went into relationships, never really got much advice on boys or anything involing that area. Maddie couldn't help the small smile while she looked at her naive sister slightly wishing for her innocence to come back to her. "Well maybe, or maybe he'll just stay your best friend, who you end up really liking could be someone you haven't even met yet." Maddies clear blue eyes sparkled as she looked at her sister. "Well then how did you and Justin end up liking each other?" May had never heard any of the storied, all she knew was one afternoon she had made a family meeting where she told everyone. Justin couldn't help the small smile come across his lips as he thought back to the many things that lead up towards the long relationship. "Well. Anytime something bad happened to me he was there to help me. It was a lot of stuff to be honest. Even one time when I knew I liked him and didn't think he liked me I pretended I couldn't draw so he put his arm around me and draw with my hand, we were ten." The same crookid smile crossed Mays and Maddies lips while they began to share stories of small crushes and Maddies relationships while Justin simply listened at the door.

~~~Authors Note~~~
So I actually don't like this chapter and it has nothing to do with the tapes but my house lost its wifi this weekend so when I was writing I couldn't listen to the tapes but I knew I couldn't miss updating today. I might actually miss this coming Monday as much as I hate to say it because I'm getting my wisdom teeth removed on Saturday and I'm not sure abt all the details. THANK YOU GUYS FOR 2k!!


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