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It was at least a half an hour before she allowed herself to stop and breathe for a moment

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It was at least a half an hour before she allowed herself to stop and breathe for a moment. Hearing a car come from behind her she started to speed walk, the rocks and gravel under her feet piercing her skin painfully, there was a honk heard and she quickly crossed the sidewalk and ran into the grassy field rather than the pain inducing road. Taking notice of where she was Maddie sighed, now was a better time than any she supposed, and she made her way to the grave she rarely had the heart to visit. When she realized she was close to the familiar headstone she looked up but was surprised to see a body standing next to it, talking, if she had used her head or even actually taken a moment to look she would have realized who it was and noticed they wouldn't hurt her but she couldn't use her head, so instead she backed away quickly but as soon as she took a step back her foot stepped onto a branch and it broke into her skin making her yelp, the teen turned at the sound and was shocked by his finding. "Maddie? Maddie are you okay?" Clays voice calls out as he quickly makes his way to her hearing her suck in a breath due to the pain coming through her foot to the rest of her body. "I'm fine." She says through gritted teeth as she rips the wood from her skin glad it didn't go too deep and she wouldn't loose much more blood than that of a splinter. "Where are your shoes?" Clay asked concerned and Maddie freezes at the question. "And your jacket?" He asks looking over her bare and bruised arms. "What happened?" He asked but Maddie couldn't even explain, she knew if she began to talk about it the lump and burn in her throat would make her break down. "I came to visit Jeff, he always knew what to say to make me feel better." She says quietly rubbing her arms trying to ease the burn from where Bryces hands had pressed into them with unbelievable force. "I suppose he did the same for you?" She asks as she slowly walks forward to where one of her best friends and biggest supporters happened to be buried. "Yeah, he was a very wise person." Clay said keeping his eyes on the girl as he walked forward with her. It didn't take a lot of brain power to see she had just went through something rough but he didn't want to assume because his mind wasn't in the right place.
They stood in silence staring at the grave of their mutual friend both of them praying up to him wishing and hoping for a sign of what to do, when Maddie wiped a tear Clay decided to break the silence with another question. "Maddie, you know if something happened to you, no matter who did it," he says clarifying making sure she knew even if it were Justin he'd do his best to keep her safe. "Jeff would want you to say something. He'd want you to be safe." He says, he wondered how he got into this situation, how he was trying to comfort a girl he had rarely ever spoken too before this entire mess. "It wasn't Justin." She says her throat still burning and she fiddles with her fingers. "I-uhm- I went home with Bryce." She says as she starts to shake and look away from both clay and the grave in front of the pair. "Whatever he did, he won't get away with it. But Maddie you have to tell someone, Zach, Justin, the police-" she cut him off. "Clay I can't. He'll just say that what he did was consensual and he didn't even get that far so there's no dna." She says letting him know that she wasn't raped, but he still wasn't sure to what extend he had hurt the fragile girl. "O-okay, you don't have to say anything now, but write him, do something so if there comes a day where you want to testify you have some proof. And I promise your secret is safe with me, Maddie, I promise to try my hardest to keep you safe." Maddie turned at his words and smiled slightly with tears still in her eyes. "I really, really appreciate that." She says grateful for the boy in front of her. "I would offer you a ride but I only have my bike-" Maddie cut him off. "I know Clay, thank you though."
"I wasn't done." He says as he hands the girl his helmet. "Please, I want you to get home, safe and soon, and I live closer anyways, just leave it outside with my helmet and I'll grab it in the morning." Maddie nodded, she wanted to be polite and turn it down, she wanted Clay to get home soon and she was sure his parents would wonder where his bike was when he got home but she couldn't turn it down. She needed to be home, she needed to at least be in the comfort of her bed.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐝 𝐒𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬Where stories live. Discover now