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The car ride for the two teenagers to get to the lake was mostly silent filled with occasional laughter and jokes

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The car ride for the two teenagers to get to the lake was mostly silent filled with occasional laughter and jokes. Sighing with content that the drive was over Monty pulls into a small parking lot in front of the lake. "Here we are." He says as the two of them get out of the jeep and go to the grassy and dirt filled ground that ended where the water started. They both quickly took off their shoes and went to the edge of the ground and stuck their feet into the water enjoying the silence until Maddie turned and looked at Monty. Sometimes she found herself admiring him, she always thought he was handsome and though sometimes he wasn't the best, around her he tried and that made he so much more likable in her eyes, maybe if she'd even still like him if she didn't fall in love with Justin, or if she never found out her secret. "Alright, what's the news?" She asks rolling up her pants a little bit when the water started to splash onto them.

Monty sighed looking over to her, he too would find himself admiring her, Maddie Dempsey was beautiful nobody would deny that. But, they both knew that even her amount of beauty just was attractive to him. He wanted to tell her, the whole point of bringing her here was so he could yell and scream. Scream at her for bringing Justin back, for lying to him, for using him. But one look at her once bright and now dull eyes told him that she didn't even know. "Uh.." He trailed off looking to the crystal like water.

It wasn't like him to think before letting his temper take control but with Maddie, and a few others he tried. So here he was, pausing not even knowing what to say at this point. "You first." He says leaning back on his palms as he looks over to the pale girl with her feet dipped into the water. "Are you sure?" She asks looking back at Monty, after all he was the one that text her, and drove here, whatever the news was it had to be big and important, right? But he nodded his head and waited for her to speak and scrunched his eyebrows when she completely turned taking her feet from the water to sit with her legs crossed looking at the boy she was oh so afraid would just leave her there and call her liar when she was done speaking.

She breathed in and slowly started to speak, completely unsure on how to go about this. "Okay, this, this is very serious. And I'm not lying. And I'm not asking you to give up your friendship I just want to be honest with you, we agreed to never have anymore secrets." She says and Monty nods looking like a stunned deer in headlights unsure of what was going to happen, or in this case be said. Maddie nods when Monty does and continues on. "Okay, so, before Justin left we broke up, you remember that?" She asks and Monty nods thinking about the day she returned to school almost completely withdrawn before she ended up skipping close to a week of school. "The reason I had to skip school those days wasn't just to spend time with my mom." Maddie says coming clean and now Monty sits up a little straighter. "It was because," She pauses for a moment trying to find something in his eyes that would help her breathing. "It was because that day I went home with Bryce, and it was just a friendly visit." She says bringing her hand to the back of her neck and shrugging her shoulder up to rub against her chin the way she did when she was nervous.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐝 𝐒𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬Where stories live. Discover now