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*Once again the gifs stopped working, they'll be one edited it!*

It took about an hour for Maddie to make it to Monty's house, she had dropped Zach and May off at their house and also drove Justin to the Jensen's since he hadn't since the family too much and, well they were the whole reason he was even back. Maddie had drove quickly and had basically sprinted out of the car and to the small house but after that her movements were halted. The front door was cracked open and she could hear screaming inside, she didn't want to walk into something that she shouldn't- unlike most people who only had a hunch about Monty's home like she had heard all about it from Monty herself as well as his sister who she was very close with once upon a time, so she was nervous to step in, but she knew Estela wouldn't call her unless it was an emergency.

"Estela?" Maddie calls out her voice hardly above a whisper as she opens the door just a little more to let herself in, she looks around the house noticing nothing had been broken where she was but she could still hear the screaming- upon moving closer she now knew the culprit was the boy laced with anger issues. "Oh, thank God you're here." Estela says sighing as she quickly ran into Maddie's outstretched arms. "Yeah, yeah. I'm here." Maddie said her voice reassuring the younger girl. "Okay, listen, my cars out there. Take my keys, get in and lock the doors, I'll be back out to let you know when it's safe." Maddie said with her hands on the side of Estela face as their eyes hold each other's worried stare.

Quickly and without hesitation Estela listens as she grabs the keys and quickly runs out, she honestly had no clue what was going on and she couldn't be in there right now. Monty had already thrown a picture frame at her thinking it was his father coming into his bedroom rather than his sister, luckily though he had in fact missed his sister. "Monty?" Maddie calls out as she makes it in front of the door to Monty's room. "Monty, it's me, Maddie." She says and yet again there's no response other than him continuing to shout. "Monty, I'm coming in." She states calmly as she slowly puts her hand on the door knob before twisting it to open the door. As soon as the door open Maddie's eyes widen, his room was completely trashed beyond the point of return.

There was a shattered mirror, several broken pictures, all of the little survivors of his life were thrown about the room most of them chipped now or completely ruined. Her wide eyes leave the mess he had made and went to Monty who had stopped moving and screaming- now he stood facing a wall rather than Maddie but that didn't stop her from seeing how his back was rising and falling unevenly proving he was in fact out of breath, most likely because he was trying to focus on his anger rather than his sadness. "Monty, what happened?" Maddie asked as she took a step into the room but made sure to keep a distance.

She heard a small sigh as he threw whatever object was in his hand into the door of his closet. "Maddie, you shouldn't be here. I didn't ask you too." He says and even though she couldn't see his front profile she knew he was glaring. "Yeah, well Estela did. And considering your little sister called me here it's quite obvious that you need me." Maddie says watching him intently though her eyes did wonder to the wreck of a room a few times trying to see what all he had done. "Well, Estela a kid. If she can't live with some handled anger then coming here was a horrible choice." Monty says and she could hear him almost gasping for air.

Maddie scoffs halfheartedly. "Monty what is wrong with you?" She asks forcefully as she takes a careful step forward, sure she hadn't spoken to Monty much but she was sure if something was this wrong he would have tried to get a hold of her. "Nothing's wrong. Go, I told you to leave." He says irritated and Maddie rolls her eyes before speaking again. "I'm not leaving until you tell me what's wrong, and you better fix how you talk about your sister because I know she's only here for you because she loves and misses you." She hears him scoff and she continues on, trying to get him wear him down enough to tell her what was wrong. "Estela moved into your abusive ass home for weekends with your father of all people just so she could see you more and you want to drive her out by acting like an asshole? Nice job Montgomery, maybe pull your head out of your ass next time someone is trying to be kind to you before you loose everything and everyone."

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐝 𝐒𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬Where stories live. Discover now