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   I shift back into my normal form before I enter the passkey to open the door to Loki's cell.

I push the door open silently, and walk up to it. I take note of how he's standing, telling me he's off guard.

He begins to walk back and forth, but then stops. He notices I'm here. "Not many people can sneak up on me." He turns and faces me.

"I am pretty sneaky, but you knew I would show up sooner or later." I give a light smirk.

"I must admit, you are clever." He puts his hands behind his back, standing in the middle of the cell. "After whatever tortures Fury can concoct, you would appear as a friend, and I would cooperate."

I decide to get right to the point, "So, I was sent here to ask about Agent Barton, but I've already pieced it together. You just have to tell me if I'm correct. You used you're little glow stick on him and that is letting you control him."

   "I'd say I've expanded his mind, but yes, that is also correct." I watch as he studies me, his gaze taking in every detail.

   "Okay, let's just say you do win. You become king of the mountain. What happens to his mind then?" I ask, crossing my arms.

   "Have you taken a liking to him, Raven?" A mischievous smile appears on his face.

   "Why yes, I've taken a liking to someone I've never met. What gave it away?" I reply, sarcasm dripping from my tone, I roll my eyes as he chuckles. "How did you know my name?"

"Barton. He knew of Fury's plans to bring together a team. He told me they had been searching for you." Loki informs and I nod.

   "Why are you doing this? Why would you want to take over Earth of all places? I get that you want people to bow down to you and everything, but from what I've gathered, this just doesn't seem like something you'd do." I grab the metal chair that is next to me, pulling it over so I can sit.

   "What you've gathered? You seem to know a lot about me, but I do not know nearly as much about you. So, tell me." He takes a step closer to the grass of his cell.

"I was born with abnormal abilities." I tell him, but he raises his eyes brows, wanting more information. "My parents, the doctors, no one knew how I possessed them. As I got older, more people began to notice how different I was. Scientists were brought into the equation. I guess my parents decided they didn't like what they had created, so one day, they took me to one of the labs for testing, and never came back. Then the military eventually found out about me, they decided I could be turned into a weapon. I was trained to kill." I glance up at Loki to see him listening closely, before continuing. "Between testing and training, they wanted to experiment on me."

I sit on a metal table, waiting for the doctors to come. Soon enough they walk in the room, Sargent Walker standing next to them.

"What exactly will this do to her?" Sargent asks.

"You ever heard of Captain America, Sargent?" The doctor asks, taking a tube of liquid out of his coat. Sargent nods, watching the doctor. "This will be better. We've finally perfected this serum and treatment."

"Yeah, but what abilities will it give her?"

"Extreme longevity, inhuman strength, and we are aiming towards extreme cellular regeneration — faster than Captain America — but only time will tell with that one." The doctor informs.

"An estimate on the longevity?" Sargent Walker asks, making an evil smile cover the doctor's face.

"It depends on the body, but for her, we are looking at possibly three hundred to four hundred years." The doctor is practically radiating pride, his grin wide across his face.

"What if I don't want this?" I speak up. "I'm human, not one of your lab rats."

"This experimentation has been authorized by the government. I'm afraid you don't have a say in the matter." Sargent Walker informs.

I jump off the table I'm sitting on, heading for the door. The Sargent catches my shoulder, "I wouldn't do this if I were you." He warns.

"Take your hand off of me right now, or I swear, you'll regret it." I glare at him.

   "Is that a threat?" Sargent has an amused smile on his face that I plan on getting rid of.

   "No. That's a promise."

  "Yeah, so that's my story. I went into hiding after I escaped, taking assassination jobs, it was the only thing I knew. Clearly, they did get the experimentation they wanted." I finish, a stiff smile on my face.

   "Ah, you're helping them because Fury said you'd be forgiven for your crimes." Loki says. I nod for an answer.

This causes Loki to let out a small laugh. "Do you really think Fury will forgive you for your crimes? As soon as this is over, you'll be sent to prison. You are going to save the people that are just going to imprison you in return!" He glances up to where the security cameras are, knowing that Natasha is watching.

"And you, Agent Romanoff think saving Barton, a man no more virtuous than yourself will change anything? This is the basest sentimentality. This is a child at prayer . . . pathetic!" His voice grows louder, until he's eventually shouting. I can practically see Natasha flinching at his words.

Loki's head turns back to me, "You both lie and kill in the service of liars and killers. You pretend to be separate, to have your own code, something that makes up for the horrors. But they are a part of you, and they will never go away!" He shoves his hands against the glass of the cell. Again, his eyes wander to the security camera.

"I won't touch Barton, Agent Romanoff. Not until he kills you. Slowly, intimately. In every way he knows you fear! And when he wakes, just long enough to see his good work, when he screams, I'll split his skull!" He shouts, making me flinch slightly. "This is my bargain, you mewling quim."

I stand from my seat, walking right up to the glass of his cell. "You're quite the monster, aren't you?"

He chuckles, "No, you brought the monster."

I smirk, getting the information I needed. I look up to the security camera, placing a finger on my earpiece. "Natasha, you get all that? He's going to use Banner."

"Indeed I did. I'll take it from here." She replies.

   I turn around, pushing the chair back into its original place. I face the glass once more, a proud smile on my face. Loki looks slightly confused, but soon covers up his expression. "You're too clever for them."

   "That may be true, but I'm helping them." I begin to walk away, but his voice stops me.

   "You never said what abilities you were born with." He reminds. I turn on my heel, looking to him. I let a purple aura surround me as I take on the form of Loki using my shapeshifting ability. "This and telekinesis." I inform him. His expression changes into one I can't decipher, "A shapeshifter. How did you get this power?"

   "No one knows. I told you that." I shift back to my normal form, setting my hands on my hips. He takes a step forward, a thinking expression on his face that soon fades, "What if I knew?"

   My mind becomes intrigued at his words. "You couldn't." I shake my head.

   "Oh, but I could and I do." Loki smiles. "Would you like to know?" I could take this offer, but would that be the smart thing to do? I weigh some of the pros and cons in my head, but part of my brain is telling me to accept the offer. "You and I are similar. You don't know the full potential of your power, but I could teach you." Loki offers.

   "How do I know you're not lying? You are the god of mischief and lies, after all." I raise an eyebrow at him.

   "I assure you, I wouldn't be offering something this serious with the intent to deceive. I shall tell you and teach you, if you let me out of this cage and help me. Do you accept, or not?" Loki steps closer to the glass, his arms behind his back.

   I stand there for a moment, contemplating. Please, don't make me regret this. "I accept."

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