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Loki smirks as I goes to press the red button that opens the cage. As I press the button, an explosion-like sound can be heard.

"What the hell was that?" I look around as Loki steps outside of his cell.

"That is for me — well, us, now that you've joined our side." He gives a quick grin. I hear voices over my earpiece, "Does anyone have eyes on Nix?" I make out Fury's voice.

Agent Hill's voice rings out, replying, "She's gone rogue, Sir! She let Loki out! I told you we shouldn't recruit her, she can't be trusted." I let out a small scoff at her words, but know she is right to an extent when I feel guilt building it the pit of my stomach. Did I really do this because I had to? Or because I wanted to?

"Are you sure she's not been compromised by the Tesseract?" Panic can be heard in his voice.

"I was monitoring while she was interrogating. She's not been compromised, she went rogue." Hill confirms, her voice holding resentment towards me. As I listen in over the earpiece, I see Loki create a clone of himself.

"Cool." I mutter, which makes Loki smirk. We stand off to the side when Thor's voice can be heard right outside the door. He barges inside, "No!" He shouts at the clone of Loki. Thor runs at it, assuming it's the real Loki, but it vanishes, causing him to stumble into the glass cell.

Loki steps forward from his position as the cell door closes. "Are you ever not going to fall for that?" Thor slams his hammer against the glass of the cell out of frustration, causing it to crack. The whole structure of the room shifts, which makes him stop.

I step forward, making Thor's attention turn to me. "Raven, do not do this. I do not know what my brother has promised you, but he will betray you. Please, don't go through with this."

   "The humans think us immortal. Should we test that?" Loki walks over to the control panel next to one of the soldiers he has under the Tesseract's control.

   "I'm sorry. I really am, but he seems to know something about me that I don't. I need to know what it is, and this was his bargain." I apologize, standing closer to the cell. "Tell Banner that I'm sorry." Thor shakes his head, disbelief clear in his eyes.

   Loki goes to press a button on the panel, but is cut off when the soldier collapses. My eyes quickly find the culprit that caused it.

   "Coulson? Get the hell out of here before he decides to kill you." I warn, walking closer. He shakes his head, looking at Loki, "Move away, please." He gestures with the large weapon in his hands to the control panel.

   Loki takes a step back, eyeing the weapon. Agent Coulson notices, "You like this? We started working on the prototype after you sent The Destroyer. Even I don't know what it does. Do you want to find out?"

I look to Loki, but his gaze is somewhere else. A loud gasp fills the room, and my head snaps to Coulson. Another Loki, the real one, stands behind him with his scepter, blood coating the blade at the front. Coulson falls against the wall and slides down to the floor.

"No!" Thor shouts, banging his hands on the glass of the cell. I look between Loki and Coulson, trying to figure out if I should help. Loki shakes his head at me, a mischievous glint present in his eyes. Instead of moving to help the agent, I press my finger to the earpiece. "Agent Phil Coulson is down. I repeat, Agent Phil Coulson is down. Send medical services immediately." Panic can be heard in the edges of my voice, I clear my throat and take my finger off the earpiece. Guilt pangs in my chest, almost making it hard to breathe.

Loki steps back to the control panel, pressing a few buttons before the floor below the glass cell opened. Before I can do anything, Loki presses another button, sending Thor and the glass chamber through the open floor and into the sky below us.

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