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QUESTION: how would you guys feel about a sequel to this book? Perhaps focusing on the Spider-Woman character from the previous chapter & Peter??

"You have a grenade launcher?" Steve's voice was incredulous sounding. "That is a grenade launcher?"

   "Calm down. It's low-velocity, Steve." I fiddle with the weapon in my hand. "It's an ARX160." I tell him the name.

"I'm assuming this is Beretta, too?" He asked in a mocking manner as he throws his hands up, not expecting my answer. I look over to him, staring directly into his eyes with a small laugh, "Yes, actually. Technically speaking, it's an assault rifle. It's fine. I'm gonna use it. Buck, which one do you want?"

I turn to see him with an amused look on his face at the interaction Steve and I had. Steve was confused as to why I didn't use my powers all the time and continued to rely on regular weapons so much. I had simply told him that if he was me, he would understand how tiring it got.

"Surprise me." Bucky remarked, watching as I shoved my previously chosen weapon into Steve's chest for him to hold. I grabbed a simple AR15 rifle and passed it to him, along with a few magazines just in case. He didn't say anything as he looked over the weapon, clicking a few mechanisms into place and making sure the gun operated properly; it was something I'd first noticed he would do back when I worked for HYDRA and they'd partnered me with him. Sure, they had trained us to do weapon maintenance just in case, but I had never seen someone check their weapon as much as him. Perhaps it was just a habit he'd picked up.

   A small crunching sound broke me out of my thoughts and a turned to the sound, finding Steve munching on some chips from the bag he'd gotten earlier. "Can I have some?" I ask, now realizing I hadn't eaten in a day or two.

   "No," He holds them away from me. "You go get your own."

My jaw slacks as my brow raises. "Seriously? We don't have time for this. Sharing is caring and you cannot tell me you don't care, so gimme." I quickly stick my hand in the bag, much to his dismay, and pull out a few of the salty chips before quickly gulping them down.

   "Maybe I should've just left you back in custody, I wouldn't have to be putting up with this." He remarked, Bucky's eyes widening in response as he slowly moved back and sat down away from us.

   The banter that was developing between us brought up old memories of previous missions and times we'd hang out at the tower, simply nagging and bothering each other when we had the chance. A small smile grew on my face. "Oh, shut it, Steve. I know you missed me."

• • •

"So . . . what exactly are we gonna do with these guys once we find them? If they were trained and controlled by HYDRA, and then we wake them up from cryo, they might not be friendly." I comment, looking between Steve and Bucky for a possible idea. "We can't exactly just let them go."

   A look of uncertainty and realization hit Steve, making me quirk an eyebrow. The fact that Captain America actually didn't have a plan shocked me. Steve always had a plan, sure sometimes they would suck, but there was always something. "You're telling me you didn't think that far ahead?"

   "I didn't say anything."

   "You not saying anything says that you don't have a plan!" I exclaim, glancing to Bucky who just shrugged. I let out an exhale, a sudden wave of stress creeping up around me. I try to think. Where the hell are we going to put a whole bunch of super soldiers that will probably want to kill us when they wake up?

   "Okay, fine. I guess we'll just wing it then." I regain my low position as we walk around a corner. I stand behind both Bucky and Steve, my gun propped against the upper left of my chest, ready to fire just in case we had a run-in with any unwelcome visitors.

   Our footsteps echo as one as we walk down the hallway, my eyes scanning around us at every moment. We walk up a stairway and round a corner before stopping in front of a door. Steve begins leading us down a few steps of another small staircase, stopping at the bottom when the large doors in front of us begin to creak. Steve puts his shield up while Bucky and I both aim our guns at the door. "Ready?" Steve asks.

   "Yeah." We reply in sync, not bothering to take our eyes off the target. The doors screech in protest to the person behind them that's pulling them open. Eventually, they are forced apart and a familiar suit of armor stands behind them, making Steve's expression and posture slack.

   I look Tony up and down as the armor on his head folds away. I wasn't sure if he was here on good terms and I wasn't going to risk it. I gulp, not completely comfortable aiming a gun at him now that I remember my past. Sure, we had differences, but at the end of the day we were friends.

   He begins to walk to the three of us, making Steve step down to the floor from the stairs and keep his shield up a bit. "You seem a little defensive." Tony comments, glancing between us.

   "It's been a long day." Steve excuses, lowering his defense a bit. They walk closer together and I shift on my feet a bit, quickly looking down to Bucky before focusing once more. He wasn't moving either, telling me he didn't trust Tony's presence.

   "At ease, Soldier." Tony says to him. "You can put down the gun, Copycat. I'm not currently after you or your assassin boy-toy."

   I scoff at his words, the small thought of shooting him for that comment comes to mind, but I push it away and slowly lower my weapon a bit, but still keep it ready to use just in case.

   "Then why are you here?" Steve glares as he says the words harshly.

   "Could be your story's not so crazy. Maybe. Ross has no idea I'm here. I'd like to keep it that way. Otherwise, I gotta arrest myself." Stark sighed.

   "Too much paperwork?" I piped up, not expecting an answer. Steve looks to me before speaking again, "It's good to see you, Tony."

   "You too, Cap." He stated before facing me. "Look, I don't know what exactly happened to you after SHIELD fell, but I'm assuming you're caught up now. It's good to see you . . . not dead, Raven."

   A small smiles forced its way onto my face and I nod slightly, letting my gun fall to my side. "You, too."

   Tony gives a tight-lipped smile back, but it falters when he sees that Bucky still hasn't moved an inch. "Hey, Manchurian Candidate, you're killing me. This is a truce here. You can drop . . ." He trails off tiredly.

   I walk down a step, slowly lowering Bucky's gun with my hand, giving him a reassuring look in the process. He gives in, letting it rest against his side as we move to stand next to Steve and Tony. We all begin moving through the corridors quietly. Tony and I stand in front while Bucky and Steve trail behind us.

   "So, what exactly did happen when you went MIA?" He questions and it makes me gulp. "I heard that you got taken and they messed with your head, but why didn't you come back after SHIELD fell?"

   "When they messed with my head, they made me forget." I informed quietly. "Didn't remember anything."

   "You even forgot me? I'm hurt. I think I'm pretty memorable." Tony adds, making me roll his eyes. "So, what? You remember everything now?"

   "Yes." I mutter simply as we slow to a stop. He commands the suit to bring the armor back up over his face and the remaining three of us prepare ourselves with our weapons as we come to a corner.

   We steadily walk into a darker chamber with Stark leading the way. "I got heat signatures."

   "How many?" Steve glances to him.


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