Chapter 22

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"Off to talk to your father." Lucas asked.

"Hopefully." Audrey said, crossing her fingers.

They stood on edge of the porch near the garage. Lucas had shown up early, before the brunch to check on Audrey, who had still been in her pajamas.

Lucas was under the impression she had just woken up but Audrey had been up two hours earlier on the phone with Ethan. She had told him about the day before and asked that he design two bracelets. One with a tracker in it and the other built to collect all the data and have the ability to hook up with any phone or computer to see where Charlotte was. Ethan had agreed and told her he would start working on a design and prototype.

Lucas had shown up and she told him she actually needed to leave soon.

"I'll see you when you get back?" Lucas asked.

"Of course. Have fun at brunch."

She gave him a quick kiss on the cheek so he wouldn't try to go in for a real kiss. He waved goodbye to her and watched as she drove off. Once she was on the freeway, she started to relax, the wind rushing past her and taking with it her stress. She parked in her normal spot and quickly moved inside.

"Hi Nina."

"Hi lovey, she's doing great this week, asked about you a few times." The receptionist said.

"Thanks, Drew with her?"


Audrey moved down the hall, her shoulders relaxing. Her mother sat by the window again, her hair neatly pulled into a pony tail.

"Hi mamma." Audrey said, moving around the chair to face her.

"Audrey, baby, where have you been?" Vivian said, reaching her hands out to Audrey.

"I've been at college, remember?"

"Of course. My beautiful smart girl. Tell me all about it."

Audrey gave her a sad smile. Taking a seat in front of her mother she took her hands in her own. She started talking, telling her about a world that would never be real to either of them. She spoke about the friends and professors that she never talked to. The more she talked the harder it got, her mother's face beaming with pride.

"Oh darlingly I'm so proud of you. Has your father visited you at school yet? He hasn't come here, I keep waiting."

"He hasn't but he's really busy taking care of all the horses."

"Oh that's right, now I remember. Tell me is there a someone special?"

Audrey smiled.

"Not really."

"I know you'll find someone, I found your father and he wasn't the easiest horse to tame."

Audrey laughed, but felt hot anger build inside. She had never tried to find her father after he left. She knew if she found him part of her would be okay killing him, and so knew it was best for him to stay gone.

"Tell me how you are?" Audrey asked.

"I'm fine. Some days are better than others and even those I forget about. I miss you."

"I know."

Vivian touched Audrey's face, gently rubbing her cheek.

"Let's go for a walk." Audrey said.

She laced her mother's arm through her's and guided her into the garden. The air was cool and there was a mist coming off the water. Instead of the usually chatter, her mother was quiet as they walked. Back inside Drew came to get Vivian for lunch and Audrey said her goodbyes.

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