Chapter 30

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"Ugh! It's just so frustrating!" Charlotte said, stomping her foot.

Natalya lay on Charlotte's bed, her hands propping up her head, while Audrey sat on the end of the bed, one leg dangling off.

"Listen Lottie, you just have to wait it out. Your father is thinking about you and doesn't want you to get hurt in anyway." Audrey said, though she completely agreed with Mr. Astor.

Mr. Astor had found out that Paul was hanging around Charlotte at the parties and had made it very clear to Paul that if he valued his life he would leave Charlotte alone. Though it was hard for Charlotte, Audrey felt it was best for her security at the moment.

"Charlotte, maybe you should just run away with him." Natalya said.

"That's what got her here in the first place." Audrey said.

"Oh, so not the best idea."


"I just miss him so much." Charlotte said, slumping down on a chair.

"I think you need to just want it out, the summers not even close to being over." Audrey consoled.

"I totally agree, you still have time." Nat said.

Charlotte looked at both of them and smiled.

"I guess you're right, another week won't kill me or it will and I'll be forced to run away with him."

"That's the way to think!" Natalya cheered.

Audrey shook her head.

"I'm not sure that's what you were suppose to get out of this talk." Audrey said.

"Let's go, the party is already started by now." Charlotte said, pushing herself up.

Eddie drove them over to the Thorns' house, having just gotten back from dropping off Lilly, Mr. and Mrs. Astor. The Thorn's had setup a lavish party that was 50s themed, with a dressed up, live band playing swing music and the servers dressed like pin up girls and the men dressed as sailors. Lights were strung across the open areas making the whole place feel more festive.

The girls found Ashley and Liddy talking with each other near the edge of the dance floor. As they approached them Audrey saw Liddy through her an annoyed looked but that was about as much as she did. Everyone was chatting about how great the party looked when Audrey felt someone tug on her arm. She turned to see James and he nodded for her to follow. She paused for a beat but followed him. He led her around the side of the house where the music was less audible.

"James, what's up?" Audrey asked, still following him.

He stopped and turned so she could see who was waiting for her. When Paul saw her he stood up quickly.

"Thanks, man." Paul said.

James nodded and headed back to the party.

"Paul, what's going on?" Audrey said, crossing her arms.

"Look Audrey you have to help me, Mr. Astor won't let me see Charlotte."

"I know this."

"Can't you do something, don't you have some body guard magic?"

Audrey quickly covered Paul's mouth with her hand and looked around. No one was in sight and the music was too loud that he wouldn't have been heard. She took her hand down and stared at him.

"Sorry. I just want to know if there is anything you could do to help." Paul said, his eyes falling.

"No. There's not. You know I care for Charlotte and so that's why I can't. The best thing I can do if give you some advice."

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