Chapter 33

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Audrey felt no pain, but a gun had gone off.

The man looked down at his chest and over his heart a spot of blood bloomed. Audrey looked to her right and saw that a window had been shattered, someone had shot the man.

Audrey moved quickly, the shock of the body guards wouldn't last and she needed that time to free herself. She jumped up into the seat of the chair and leveraged her strength until she pulled the arms out of the chair. With her hands still tied to the arms she swung around and hit the body guard on her right, straight in her face. He stumbled back and Audrey moved to the next guy hitting him in the temple.

She gripped the chair arms tighter and went to work taking down both men. As she hit and dodged blows her ears picked up the sound of guns going off in the distance. As she ducked a blow from one of the men she heard footsteps thundering into the living room, the rest of the men came barreling into the room. Before Audrey could think about how to take them down as well four shots were fired and all four men were down.

Audrey swung back up and hit the last guy in the jaw with the chair arm and he fell to the ground. Audrey grabbed a knife from the man's belt and cut herself free. She took both his guns and moved across the room. She passed at the first man to be shot. He was still breathing though it was short and labored.

"Who are you?" The man wheezed out.

"I'm Ally Williams and you messed with the wrong girl."

The man cough blood and then his head fell to the side. Audrey kept walking. Before she left the living room she looked to the far corner and saw James standing there. His eyes still unfocused. She moved over to him.

"James. Can you hear me?" Audrey said, loudly.

James finally looked at her and when he did his eyes narrowed.

His hands moved to her throat, but Audrey punched him hard in the jaw before he was able to grab her. His eyes rolled back and he slumped to the floor. Audrey bent down and slapped his face. His eyes fluttered and he looked up at her.

"Audrey?" His voice was weak and confused.

"Stay here, James, you're going to be okay."

There was a bang and the sound of a door falling to the floor. Audrey turned to the sound. She pushed James down again before leaving the room. She glanced around the door frame but only saw an empty hallway. She moved down it slowly, her guns raised in front of her. She kept moving, the sound of footsteps moving closer to her.

A burly man ran around the corner and Audrey hit him in the shoulder. He fell to the ground and she walked over him. He had been the man that had put her into the van the first time. Around the next corner, she heard shots fired and she moved more cautiously.

The sound ended, a voice said 'area secure' and she heard determined footsteps walking towards her. She smiled before the figure came around the corner.

"What took you so long?" Audrey said.

Lucas's smile was bright and relieved.

"You know how I like to make an entrance." he said.

Behind him was a team in all black.

"There's a young man in the living room in the corner, his name is James and he needs medical attention. Don't let him out of your sight." Audrey said.

Lucas nodded to one of the men and they moved past them down the hallway. He moved closer to her, his whole manner eager.

"Look A about the other night I just wanted to tell you..."

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