20: Going Back

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Chapter 20: Going Back
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Yi Luo took a while before he regained himself, he slightly shivered at the sight of the beast. He grabbed the dagger and sliced off some of the meat from the beast, washes it in the river and placed it into his bag.

He then walked back to the cave. When Jing Xuan saw Yi Luo walking towards them she heaved a sigh of relief. Yi Luo was gone for a long time yet he hadn't shouted her name.

Jing Xuan rushes towards Yi Luo when she saw his once white hanfu had turned red. As Yi Luo caught sight of Jing Xuan, he relaxes his mind and very soon blacked out.

Before Yi Luo collapsed on the ground, Jing Xuan caught him. She felt guilty and bad for asking him to hunt for food alone and caused him to get injured. She carried him back to the cave and started treating his wounds.

Her brows furrowed as she saw the cuts on his body, claw marks could be seen across his chest. She felt a pang in her heart and felt extremely guilty. She treated his wounds and wrapped his wound up.

Yi Luo flutters his eye open as he looked up at Jing Xuan. "Jiejie..." he called out.

"I'm sorry Yi Luo... I wanted to toughen you up faster, and didn't expect that this would happen. You should've called me to help you..' Jing Xuan said as she lightly patted Yi Luo's head.

"I want to be stronger, braver, i want to live and protect you. Those thoughts ran through my head as i was being attacked by the beast, and the strong will to want to survive led me to killing the beast." He explains.

His first kill... that will be the trigger.

"Do you feel bad?" She was scared that this will be a psychological trauma on him.

"No. Like you had said, if i don't kill, Ill be killed... I will train harder, be alive and protect you." He said determined as he stared into Jing Xuan's eyes.

For an instant, Yi Luo looked like a grown man confessing his love. His first kill, the strong want to survive had changed him into a completely different person. More strong minded, determined, and fierce.

"Jing Xuan, i want to learn how to use a sword" Yi Luo said. It had been about two days since, and Yi Luo's wound have roughly been healed however scars were left behind.

Why had Yi Luo changed his way of addressing me? Jing Xuan thought it was weird however she just shook it off.

"Sure, i think we should head to the army camp. You can train there." Jing Xuan said.

They packed their stuff up and walked back to the Army Camp.

"Jing Xuan!" Yi Luo shouted as he stood in front of her. Walking towards them was a fire lion, Yi Luo doesn't know about their interaction and felt threatened by the beast and stood in front of Jing Xuan to protect her. Even though he was slightly smaller in size.

"Yi Luo," she patted his back "its a friend" she said as she walked towards the Fire Lion.

Great! I was thinking of asking the beasts to help me search for the Blood Spirit Dance.

Jing Xuan stood in front of the Fire Lion and places her forehead on the Lion's.

"Can you help me find something?" She asked.

"Of course."

"The Blood Spirit Dance, help me find it."

"Oh? That dangerous and poisonous flower? Okay, i will help you find it. Just to let you know, a few people are also searching for it. Although i do not know who..."

"Thank you." She said sincerely.

"Let me accompany you guys to the army camp." Jing Xuan once again thanked the Fire Lion for his company. This way, they wont meet ferior beasts, those that doesn't have knowledge and would kill any human they see.

Jing Xuan and the guys parted with the Fire Lion once they've reached the outer part of the forest.

Only when the sun had set did they reach the army camp. Tze Yue who was on duty saw Jing Xuan and rushes toward him.

"Where have you been!" He asked as he ruffled her head. The guys in the army treated Jing Xuan as their younger brother and greatly missed her while she was gone.

"Just in the village. Didn't Lieutenant Gui told you guys??" She asked.

"No! He just wouldn't tell us, we were worried sick!" He complained.

"Are you now talking about me behind my back?" They both turned their head and looked at the incoming Gui Cang.

"No... no... how would this lowly one dare." Tze Yue said as he rolled his eyes when Lieutenant Gui wasn't looking causing Jing Xuan to chuckle a bit.

"Follow me." Lieutenant Gui said as he swept a look at the two other little boys by my side.

Jing Xuan followed behind Lieutenant Gui to his tent. He gestured for Jing Xuan and the little boys beside to take a seat.

"Now, who are these extra little rascal you've bought back?" He asked as he leaned into his seat and poured himself some wine.

"Yi Luo is a child i found at the village, he... suffered a lot. I wish for him to train here, and when he had trained enough he can be my bodyguard. Yi Luo, go." Jing Xuan said.

At Jing Xuan's word, Yi Luo headed to the middle of the tent and kneeled in front if Gui Cang. "Please take me in and train me, i wish to be strong and protect Jing Xuan."

Gui Cang looked at Jing Xuan nodding head before he agreed to letting Yi Luo stay.

"And who is that?" Gui Cang asked as he looked at Jing Jie.

"My Spirit Beast." When Jing Xuan said that, Yi Luo and Gui Cang snapped their head towards Jing Jie.

"My little Jing Xuan, you're too amazing..." Gui Cang said as he shakes his head.

One looked at Jing Xuan and Jing Jie in awe, while the other look at Jing Jie in relief.

He is not going to steal Jing Xuan away.

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