26: Preparations

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Chapter 26: Preparations

yay a long chapter today! Thanks for the 14k read muah<3. Word Counto; 1826 excluding ^

After staying in the capital for about a week, Jing Xuan and Gui Cang headed back to the army camp. Jing Xuan got up on the carriage, while Gui Cang rode on the horse, it wasnt okay for an unmarried girl to be seen together with a man alone.

"Lieutenant Gui" Jing Xuan called from inside the carriage.


"Will it be alright if i take some time off from the army camp? I made a friend from Ville Morte and promised to help with something" she briefly explains without giving away too much.

"Sure." Jing Xuan smiled she liked how Lieutenant Gui is carefree and doesn't care much.

After their short conversation, they travelled in a comfortable silence and reached the army camp before midnight. Back in the capital, everybody knows that she is a female and that she was the vice captain leading the soldiers, she was famous.

By the speed of the news spreading, it wouldn't be surprised if the soldiers and the army camp had caught wind of it. Still, she wanted to play it safe so she dressed as Jun Xian when she returns back to the army camp.

She got off the carriage and they headed into the army camp returning back to their tent. Everybody should already be sleeping, or so she thought.

Jing Xuan was walking towards her tent when she saw a dark figure seating outside her tent. As it was dark she couldn't make out who it was, she squinted her eyes in hopes she could see better.

Upon hearing a light footstep towards the tent, Yu Heng who was seating there stood up and turned towards the noise. He saw Jun Xian or rather Jing Xuan standing there.

"Why are you here?" She asked.

"I- i wanted to apologise... for um stripping you..." he stutters, his cheek flushed red.

"I will take responsibility!" He said determined.

"Its okay, you don't have to. You only took off my outer layer its nothing." She made him forget about the incident and go back to his tent. She wanted him to forget about what happened but he couldn't stop thinking about her even until deep into the morning.

Jing Xuan headed into the tent as she started packing her stuff, for tomorrow when she leaves for Ville Morte to meet up with Zhi Hao. After which, she turned in for the night.

Jing Jie wasn't allowed to join Jing Xuan back to the capital by her as she did not want them to know just how much she've grown. Lest someone hired tougher and stronger assassins to get her.

The next morning, Jing Xuan was woken up by Jing Jie who was poking on her cheeks trying to subtly wake her up. She groggily sat up as she slowly adjusted to the sunlight, and saw a little Jing Jie seating on the side of her bed looking at her.

"Good morning to you." She said as she patted his head and got up changing into her Black Hanfu.

(A/n: wow Jing Xuan isn't wearing a Red Hanfu HAHA)

"Are you going away again?" Jing Jie asked as he looked at the packed bag on the side of Jing Xuan's bed.

"Yes, don't worry this time you're coming with me." Jing Xuan have this maternal instinct when it comes to Jing Jie, although he is a beast.

Jing Jie smiled at the fact the he will be coming along, they both headed out to the dining area to have their breakfast. She ate her breakfast together with the Jing Jie, Xu Kang, Yu Heng and Yi Luo.

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