42: Expected

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A month had passed since the incident, the couples had a sweet and relaxed a month honeymoon, full of bed activities and loving moments.

Jing Xuan is currently packing some clothes as she would be travelling back to the Eastern Kingdom to meet her parents. TingXiao would be accompanying her back for a day before he have to leave due to some urgent affairs from the palace.

"Wife~ Shall we just bring father-in-law and mother-in-law here? So you wont have to travel such long distance and also leave me" TingXiao said as he lightly patted Jing Xuan's head.

"En, i was planning on bringing them here. But, there are a lot of documents and such to prepare. My parents also can't bear to leave me haha" she chuckled at her memories of when her parents suggested that she dressed uglier so as to not catch the Western Kingdom's crown prince attention.

But, she had caught his attention since long ago. Jing Xuan packed the remaining clothes into the luggage as she place it aside.

"Dont sulk, let eat breakfast and start heading out" Jing Xuan said as she gave TingXiao a kiss on his cheek.

As she got up, blood rushes up to her head and she staggered and fell down. Hearing the thud sound, TingXiao snapped his head towards Jing Xuan and found her on the floor. His eyes wide-opened, "CALL FOR THE ROYAL PHYSICIAN!" TingXiao shouted as he quickly carried Jing Xuan and placed her gently onto the bed.

Very quickly the physician arrived he placed a thin translucent silk cloth over Jing Xuan's wrist before he started reading and taking her pulse.

"Congratulations crown prince!" The physician said loudly as he got on his knees.

"What?!" TingXiao asked angrily, is this piece of shit happy that my wife is sick!?

"Crown Prince your wife is pregnant!" He said excitedly, the physician is a close friend to the king and thus felt extremely excited and happy that his friend would be having a grandson soon.

"Jing Xuan... s-she's pregnant?" TingXiao asked in disbelief as a happy light shone on his face.

"Yes, this servant cannot be wrong."

Ignoring the physician, TingXiao took a seat on the edge of the bed as he smiled sweetly at Jing Xuan while caressing her head and playing with her hair. He was overjoyed at the thought of him becoming a father and having a child with someone he loves.

The physician looked at the sight lovingly before he quickly turned and left, reporting the happy news to the the cunning yet loving king, Han Fu. TingXiao stares lovingly at his wife as he awaits for her to be awake, so she can know of this beautiful news as well.

After awhile, Jing Xuan started stirring in her sleep. She flutters her eyes opened as she slowly got up to see a happy and excited face on TingXiao.

"What happened?" She asked.

"We're going to be parents soon!" TingXiao said excitedly as he lightly reaches his hands out to caress her tummy.

"I-i'm pregnant?" Jing Xuan asked in disbelief, she could not believe that she got pregnant. She felt overwhelm with emotions, she's happy, excited and also scared. She's happy that she could finally feel grounded and belonged in this world, she's excited that the child is of the one she love, but she's scared.

She's scared that everything is just a dream and nothing is real.

"Thats great" Jing Xuan replied happily, pushing aside those negative and emotional thoughts.

"I don't think you should travel to the Eastern Kingdom anymore. How about, i, invite them over to our kingdom?" he asked considerately.

"En." She smiled, she also felt that she shouldn't be travelling right now as she's pregnant. Its her first ever child so she felt protective and worried.

"Just take a rest first, i will arrange everything." TingXiao said as he patted Jing Xuan's head and left the room.

Jing Xuan sighed as she laid in bed thinking about the times she've spent here and all she've been through. She slowly close her eyes as she rest her mind and fall asleep.

TingXiao had sent Haku over to the Eastern Kingdom with their fastest horse and carriage to invite the Mu family over. They arrived at the Eastern Kingdom at nightfall.

"Welcome, welcome. Where is Jing Xuan?" Mu Xuan de asked as he invited Haku into the house.

"About that, i'm here to inform you that Madam will not be coming today. Instead we would like to invite you over to the Western Kingdom."

"Did something happened to Jing Er?" Lee Jiao Yu asked.

"Something joyous happened, madam is pregnant" Haku said happily, informing them of the news.

The old couple looked at each other with joy in their eyes as they started asking questions about JingXuan and her health.

"How old is the baby? Is she okay? Have the prince been treating her well?"

"The baby is roughly about a month old. Yes madam is fine, master have been treating madam well." Haku replied to Lee Jiao Yu's questions.

Both of them started conversing among themselves as they quickly got up and left for their room to prepare for their journey. Packing along some ginseng and body nourishing medicines. With their packed bag, they got on the carriage as they headed to the Western Kingdom. Leaving behind a letter addressed to the eunuch that was going to come check on them the next day.

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