Ch10 Calm Before The Storm

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That voice. Oh no. That's him. Did he hear me? 
"Jane was just.." no Nick.. No!

"I was just asking about this academy and this city. I've never been here before." 
Nick looked at me with surprise. 
I saw that from the corner of my eyes.

I saw Killer coming towards me. His face was very close to mine. "I know that's not what was going on here. Try better at lying next time. Anyways, don't worry about the city. You're not going out without my permission. And about the academy, I'll make you sweat at all the training areas, so you'll come to know about it too."

That day I was sure, he's a sadistic man. He gets pleasure in scaring people to the core. Just like he was doing it now. I was literally trembling. 

" I am watching you both chatting for hours. She has no job. But Nick?" 
He looked at Nick, expecting an answer. 
"C'mon it's always great to remember those fun times Wills. Hey you remember sir Louis? How he..." 

"Nick, the CHA documents were supposed to be on my table this morning. Have you finished.."
Nick interrupted Killer in a tone which meant he's trying to save his bones from getting broken.
"They'll be on your table in 10." He didn't look back while running as he said this. I couldn't help hiding a little laugh.

"If not so, 11th minute you'll come to my office. You will remember Louis sir clearly." 
Oops. Nick better get that job done in 10. I suppose Louis was some senior who 'seasoned'  them badly. 
Haha. These brothers.

"What are you smiling at miss?" 
I flushed my smile as fast as I could and make a straight face. I don't want to get involved in this business. 
"Nothing sir."

"I was expecting you to be in your room, sleeping." He stopped and looked at me with raised eyebrows. Oh he wants an answer? 
"I.. uh.. yea.. I went to my room.. uh.. took some rest.. and came back here."
"That's good. I would have been really angry, had you not come yourself for the 50." 
Oh boy. 
He'll not let it go.

"Sir.." I held on to the last straw. 
"On the ground" his tone becoming more dangerous.

I took no time in getting into position. 
It was as painful as expected. 

"Remember one thing. I will show no mercy just because you are a girl. It will be good for you to erase the gender privilege from your mind. And I will not stop myself from using a stick if required. So don't cry."

I was on my 15th, going good, when I fell. "Stick? You'll hit me?"
I looked at him while still laying on the ground. 
"I'm not your mom who'll pamper you. You lose your focus or if you deliberately commit any mistake that I find dangerous for your own life, you get punished. Be prepared for it."

I miss you mom and dad. You guys never even raised your voice to correct me. And this guy.. 
"I'm not going to wait whole night young lady."

I finished 50 with mud on my face. 
"Tomorrow morning. Ground. On time."

"Sir!" I called out. 

"Since you will start my training fresh tomorrow, can we start with the original time of 6'o clock?" 
"I hope you remember what happened last time you asked me to change the timings."

"Yes sir" 
"You want a similar thing to happen again?"

"No sir" 
"So what time you'll report tomorrow and everyday"

"0530 sir" 
"Good. Have a peaceful sleep tonight."

"Goodnight sir" 
He just nodded and went away limping with that plastered leg.

I exhaled as if my whole life was hanging on that breath. Phew. Thank God he didn't make it 5. 
I got up, cleared the mud off my clothes and face and went to have the last peaceful sleep, I suppose. 

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