Ch58 Red Faces

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Alright people, this one is a little off the track chapter. Most of you will enjoy it, I'm sure. But a few might not like it.
For the first lot, go ahead- vote, comment, and laugh your a** off!
But for the second one - I appreciate if you could just dm me anything you didn't like, instead of commenting then and there, and spoiling the fun for others.

Sorry, and thanks in advance. 😉

"Jane please! Fletcher will kill me before Coach, if I tell you. Forget all the torture that Oliver, David and Sam will put me through. You can't just push me to hell!"
He pleaded.

Now I was confused, "I understand why your team members will be angry. I also understand why Nick will be angry. But why should Killer be angry at you for this?"

"Because Coach denied him the details of that day, on my request. Fletcher had me by my neck for begging Coach, not to say anything, right in front of him. But luckily for us, our sweet Carter never let a word get loose."

"Ah great! That means even Killer doesn't know?" that clicked in my mind.
"Nope. That's why I'm telling you Jane, you should -"

"Tell me! You have to tell me! Specially now that I know that Killer doesn't know. See, ultimately you'll die in the hands of Killer. Be it your truth, or my lie, the one dying is you."

Gulping, Ethan looked around and said "Do I have a third option? One where nobody dies?"
I smiled my favourite smile "Yes you have one. Tell me what happened the day Nick chose you as the captain, and I shall never speak about it to any living soul on earth. Nobody will know that a sixth person with that info exists on this earth. What say, you in?"

"I don't trust you with this, Jane."
"In that case, I don't trust myself too. Excuse me, I have to go meet my trainer."

"Damn it! I hate you devil woman!"
I laugh and sat back down, resting my face on my hands and waited for Ethan to start talking.
"You will not tell this to anyone, right?"

"I will not tell this to anyone." I repeated.
"Oh god I don't believe I'm doing this! I never thought I'll replay that day ever again in my brain."

"Start talking Eth, I don't have lot of time."
"Damn it! I hate you! Fine!"

They try to make a second year guy the captain of main team, so that he has one year of experience of playing under someone, and two years to lead the team. But exceptions have been there, in case of some great players.
We were the fresh lot. None of us expected to become the cap in first year itself.

It was our first day on the field. The SC was not appointed by then.
Me and Oliver were in team A with Major Nick as our goalie, and Sam and David in team B, with Major Wills as their goalkeeper.
They saw something during the game, because we were all made to wait after the match, while they had a discussion among themselves.

I had a clue of what happened. The four of us played brilliantly, but alone. We never passed the ball to anyone. We went for scoring on our own and succeeded quite a few times.
Final score was 6-4 of which we four scored the max.

After a long discussion, Major Wills called out our names and ordered us to stay back while letting others go.
"You guys know how to play with this ball, I'm impressed." Major Nick started "I'm thinking of naming one of you as the captain of KMA's reserve team." It is an honour to be a captain of the reserve team in first year itself.

"You guys have been captains in high school, if I'm not wrong?"
"Yes sir" we said with our heads held high.
"Alright, you tell me your duration of captaincy and the number of tournaments you made your team win. Start from one end" Major Wills wrote the data and handed it to Major Nick, who was officially the coach.

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