Ch21 World's Not So Bad

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"I'm sorry?" I replied to his question.
"You've been training under Terence Fletcher for two weeks straight. How could you survive? We thought we'll die before passing out from this academy, when he was our instructor before that mission. And you, alone.. How?"

I was laughing while he looked at me with shock. I should have expected that. But Terence Fletcher? Well that's creative! Ahaha
" I don't know.. May be I'm just lucky."
" No, you're strong. Stronger than us combined. And you're improving."

"What?" came out of my mouth without me even knowing.
"Yea! You're in every discussion the boys have. Every morning we come to the ground expecting the news of you having run away from him. But there you are, every morning, sweating the hell out. You have built your stamina, though slowly, but significantly."
Is it so? But I was asked to pull up my socks this evening!

I looked down as I feel a blush on my cheeks. I used to think so low of these boys. I caught many of them looking at me in mess. I thought they were all perverts. But instead, it was.. Wait.. Is he making fun of me?
I looked back up at him in anger.

"So you think I'm kidding. Well, ask the first years then. They get extra screwed every night because a girl is surviving under their instructor better than they did."
"Sir!" Miller shouted from behind.
As if realising his mistake, Ethan looked at me in horror.

"Oh f*ck! I.. I didn't say that last part okay...? Nothing happens at night ok?"
I laughed "I know about your Seasoning. Don't worry. I know it's all off the papers."

He looked at me with surprise, again. "Yes I know, and I assure you that your secret is safe."

One thing was sure, he was not lying.
Just then Renee entered with two strip of pills and a prescription. "This one twice a day and this once a day, both for three days. I still suggest, you don't play tomorrow."
"I'll keep him as a reserve ma'am." Ethan spoke.

"That's better Cap. You can take him now." She said and went to do some paperwork.

Ethan nodded at me "see you in mess then."
"Hey Ethan.. If you don't mind.. Can I join you guys in the mess.. I feel kinda awkward sitting there all alone."
His eyes lit up.

"Guess what? Everyone wants you to join. But half of us fear to ask you, thinking that you'll judge us as desperate, and the rest half fear that Major Wills will hang us upside down."

"Hahah. I don't know about second half, but I'll be glad to sit with you guys."
"It's an honour! See you then."

The boys left. I was starting to feel better. Specially after this conversation. I was regretting about not talking with them earlier.
"You better there?"

"Yes... Ma'am.."
"Oh come on sugar.."
Sugar? Did she really call me sugar? I'll melt right now.

"Call me Ren. Just Ren. Not in front of cadets though, then I'm Captain Renee for you."
Suddenly there was a serious expression on her face as she said that.

But she couldn't keep that for long and her expression changed to devilish soon.
"Oh and in front of your instructors, call me by most cheesy names that you can think of."
She said that with a little girl grin. "Because NicknWills haaate it. Hihihaha"

Oh my god. She's the guardian angel I was waiting for. I felt such happiness in my heart.
"Um.. Ren.. NicknW..."

"Yea, I love the way it sounds. NicknWills, doing drills, taking pills. Like a play school poem. Well they were my classmates in senior. I joined medical school and they came here. Though they're senior to me, but being a medico has it's own privileges. Also, they're good boys, considering me equal to them. They can never shout or answer back at me. Oh, after all I have to sign their three monthly medicals."
She winked at the last part.

She spoke in a hurry. It was as if she was waiting for someone to tell all this to. Well why not. She has a Bazooka ! She will write overweight on Killer's medical and he'll be sweating rains to reduce weight. God help if that reaches to Uncle James's table, Killer is gone. Now I felt devilish too.

We chatted for hours. Basically me talking, and she, speaking like a melody.
Meeting her, and Ethan turned everything upside down. I thought today had a depressing end, well here I am. Happiest ever (here).

Fifty Pushups Miss ☑️On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara