7. spending the day with toby!

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( a/n: im going to do two more chapters [besides this one] of spending the day with my personal favourites before the training chapters start to come up, sorry lol~ you'll just have to see who comes next! > : D oh! and btw, this book may be a bit long,,?? idk if thats good or not but im kind of a slow action type person, as in it takes everyone forever to do everything. so yeah, lolol. enjoy! sorry for how long this authors note is ;; )

( third person's pov )
( y/n ) slowly woke up as the sun rose, and she was immediately hit with a wave of confusion. The bed she was in wasn't hers or Sally's, so whose could it be?

( y/n ) shrugged and got up, stretching out and yawning. She decided to walk downstairs and into the kitchen, only to collide with Hoodie on the way down.
He jumped back and reached out towards the girl in a worried manner.

"( y-y/n )! I didn't see you there. Are you okay?" he asked, looking at all of her. She smiled sheepishly.

"I'm alright, thanks Hoodie."

He smiled softly under his mask and nodded.
"Good," he hummed, walking off towards the living room. ( y/n ) continued her walk to the kitchen and when she finally got there, Jeff stopped her.

"Sleep well, ( y/n )?" he asked, attempting to hide his smirk. Seeing as he already has a giant smile, it was pretty easy. She raised an eyebrow suspiciously.

"Yeah, I guess. I don't know whose bed it was, though. Why..?"

Jeff laughed and leaned forward.
"You were in Hoodie's bed. You two slept together and cuddled all night like lovers! I think BEN and Toby were a bit jealous~" he teased, tossing in a couple lies to scare her.

( y/n )'s face flushed and she went speechless. LJ, who had over heard, just giggled to himself.
"Oh, Jeff! Don't tease the poor girl."
Jeff frowned and started to protest before he was cut off.

"( y/n ), dear. No worries, hehe~! Hoodie didn't even touch you last night, I can assure you~!"
LJ's voice was cheery and sing songy, seeming as if he was telling the truth, which kind of put ( y/n ) at ease.

She sighed and held her fist up to Jeff in a mock threat.
"I could punch you so hard, Jeff," she growled. Jeff snorted and began walking away, waving a goodbye without turning back.

"I'm sure you could, princess," he cooed as he left. Looking over to LJ, ( y/n ) smiled with a slight blush tinting her cheeks.

"Thanks for telling me that. I was really scared for a moment!"

LJ laughed and ruffled ( y/n )'s hair affectionately. "No worries, dear! A clown never lies~!"

( y/n ) walked out of the kitchen after making a quick bowl of ( favorite cereal ) and wandered out to the dining room. She took a seat in between Slender and BEN. She pushed her ( h/ c ) hair out of her face and began eating slowly, listening to everyone talk and bicker amongst themselves.

Slender turned to ( y/n ) and tried to suppress the amusement in his voice.
"How'd you sleep last night, child?"

BEN, over hearing this, decided to chime in. He laughed and pointed to Toby.
"Yeah! You fell asleep on me and so I gave you to Toby. He freaked out until EJ picked you up and took you to Masky and Hoodie's room."

Toby blushed and rubbed the back of his neck, embarrassed. ( y/n ) giggled and took another bite of cereal. Swallowing, she grinned at BEN.

"So I've heard. I'm glad EJ took me to Hoodie and Masky's room, though. They're responsible, or at least more responsible than any of you guys," she teased.

Masky looked up from across the table and smiled beneath his mask.
"Thanks, I guess?"

Slendy chuckled darkly as everyone laughed to themselves, even Sally.

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