12. hot milk & candypop

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( y/n's pov )
I spotted BEN about ten meters away. He had his back turned to me, unaware that I was it. I decided to charge for him, but I missed and instead nearly ran into a pole.

I stumbled back after nearly dying when I heard a lot of laughs. Toby, Helen, and Sally were all laughing at me. Looking over them, I realized how easy of a target that Sally is.

I ran towards her and she tried to run away, but her short legs couldn't take her very far. I tagged her gently and then ran the other direction.

"No tag backs!" I called over my shoulder. I ended up next to EJ, who was currently just leaning against a play structure. He seemed unfazed by everything which was a bit weird.

Leaning over to take a breather, I looked up and smiled at him.

He nodded to me.
"Hello. You're a fast runner," he complimented. I blushed and shrugged modestly.

"Oh, thanks. Are you a fast runner too, or are just just kinda good at dodging like Hoodie?" I asked. He shrugged slowly and smiled.

"Both. I have to be quick and agile to escape from cops," he pointed out. Ohhh. Right. I had nearly forgotten that he steals and eats kidneys.


Well, to each their own I guess. I smacked my head playfully and giggled.
"How could I forget?"

Our small talk was interrupted by Toby running at us. EJ and I split and while I was looking back, I felt a hollow thud.

I fell to the ground and groaned. Looking around, I realized that I had bumped into BEN as he was running. We laughed and he helped me up, only for us both to part ways again and run away from EJ, who was tagged by Toby.

I climbed up a slide only to be met with Puppeteer and Jeff hiding together. I crouched next to them and they both grinned.

"What brings you here, love?" Puppeteer asked, his yellow eyes glowing. I laughed and pointed to EJ, who was after Slender.

"That. If Slender gets tagged, it's game over for all of us."

They both laughed quietly but held their breaths as Slender stopped right under us. He couldn't see us, so he left. I exhaled and glanced around the park to find more hiding spots if needed.

I found the perfect one: underneath the kiddie slide. No one had even thought of that area, so I waved a quick goodbye as I slid down the slide only to set off towards the other slide.

When I arrived, I was instantly tagged by Slender. Don't ask me how, he must have read my mind or something weird.

- time skip to about three hours later when you're back home -

When all of us got back home, I was absolutely worn out. Kagekao, Puppeteer, Helen, Candypop, and I all decided to sleep downstairs on the couches and floor since none of us had our own rooms.

Also, I learned that they would be staying with us for a long time in the mansion. I was quite overjoyed to hear this, as over the course of a couple of hours I had grown fairly close to all of them.

Anyways, the sleeping layout was simple. Puppeteer got the loveseat, Candypop and Kagekao shared the large couch, and Helen and I shared the floor. Tons of blankets were pilled on the floor, maybe three or four inches off of the ground.

I laid down on the makeshift bed, Helen on my left. Seconds ticked by, turning to minutes and eventually hours went by where I was unable to fall asleep.

I looked up at the ceiling and sighed, listening to the rhythmic breathing of Helen next to me. Someone in the room was snoring loudly, which was part of the reason I couldn't sleep.

Suddenly, someone on the couch shifted around and sat up. Based on the jingling, I assumed it was Candy. He looked at me quizzically and rubbed his eyes, holding back a yawn.

"What are you still doing up, love?" he asked gently. I sat up to face him and shrugged, glancing around the room.

"Can't sleep for some reason," I murmured. Candy shot me a sympathetic look and paused for a moment before he began to get up.

"Then how about we get a snack or something? When I couldn't sleep, I'd always drink hot milk."

I nodded and followed him to the kitchen after getting up quietly as to not disturb Helen. He clicked on the kitchen light and I squinted my eyes as the light filled my vision.

He chuckled and grabbed a glass out of the cupboard and began to fill it with milk. Candy popped it into the microwave for a minute and smiled sleepily at me.

I smiled back and leaned against the counter next to him, playing with my hands as the microwave hummed. A few seconds later, the microwave beeped and he popped it open.

Candy handed me the mug of hot milk and I waited a second, just letting the heat engulf my hands and travel up my arms. Taking a sip of the hot drink, I felt instantly calm.

He chuckled quietly and looked down at me.

"How does it taste, love?"

I smiled and nodded, taking another sip. Candy grinned and looked away, crossing his arms.


We stood in silence for a while, me sipping my drink and him just keeping me silent company until I turned to him, holding the cup out.

"Do you, um, want some?" I asked. Candy looked at me as if I was silly and my face began to feel hot. He then nodded slowly, so I passed him the cup. He drank a little and handed it back to me with a satisfied smile.

After I finished the drink, I placed the cup into the sink and walked back out to the living room. He followed suit after turning off all of the lights once again, enveloping us in darkness.

He curled back up on the couch, snuggling into his blankets and pillows quietly. I felt much more drowsy after drinking the hot milk, so I laid back down and closed my eyes, slowly drifting off to sleep.

"Goodnight, love."


shfjsk im tired goodnight

buh bye, loves~! <3

word count: 1070 words

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