22. first christmas

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( a/n: hey guys!! there's gonna be some swearing so stop here if you're sensitive to that!!

also— a personal note to all of my dear readers out there— first off, thank you all so much for 44k reads!! that's literally insane.. i remember being so excited when i got 100 reads, and here i am with... way more than that!!!! it's just— wow. wow. second off, i'm going to apologize from the bottom of my heart for being so incredibly late with the christmas special. i've been going through really bad writers block and i'm still kind of going through it, but i don't want to make you guys wait any longer than i already have :")) i hope you enjoy. i'm gonna try my hardest to upload more often!

by the way, i just thought i'd let everyone know that i read everyone's comments— some of you guys are so fucking funny and sweet and aahhh— ily all so much wtf 💕💞)


(y/n)'s point of view;
Christmas Eve, right?

The whole house feels electric. There's constant Christmas music rolling throughout each room, a soft cinnamon smell in the air, and a warm feeling emitting from the fireplace. After what seemed like years, I was finally able to convince Slender to let me light a fire in the grand fireplace. I think he just worries that Jeff and Ben will light the house (or each other) on fire or something.

Anyways, the point I'm trying to get at here is that the house is so warm and inviting and everyone is so happy and excited and I just—

Haven't been this happy in a really long time, you know? I haven't experienced a real Christmas in a long, long time. And to think: the first Christmas I've had in literal years is going to be spent with a group of infamous murderers and nonhumans. When did life get so weird?

"So, Hoodie, what did you get me for Christmas?"

I hear Hoodie grunt from next to me. Everyone is currently curled up in the living room, some of us on the couches, some on the floor, others are quite literally laying on each other. It's just a mess of slightly hot-from-the-fire bodies all giggly and giddy like children.
"Why would I spoil the surprise?"

Jeff grins a devilish grin (even more devilish than his usual) and shrugs. "I dunno. Thought I could fool ya into it or something."

"No. Piss off."

I snicker and Jeff mocks a my-feelings-are-permanently-hurt-and-you've-scarred-me-forever face. I make eye contact with Sally from across the room and stick my tongue out, winking with my left eye. She giggles and sticks her tongue back out at me, but she can't wink and instead blinks at me. Cute.

"(y/n)," someone says, and I look over to see LJ grinning . "I hope you're ready for tomorrow. Christmas will be grand, won't it?"

I perk up and nod eagerly, shifting in the worn-out indent of the couch cushion. "Ah, it will! I'm so excited." I laugh a little bit and lean my head against EJ's shoulder. EJ reaches up and pats the side of my head absentmindedly, "eyes" glued to the TV as it plays A Charlie Brown Christmas.

"Mm, yes, definitely. I've never seen so many presents in one area."

I glance at the Christmas tree and, as it has every time I've looked at the tree, my heart leaps into my throat. Words can't describe how thankful I am for these wonderful, wonderful, psychos. "Me neither. I just— How did you guys even pull all of this off?"

"That's a secret." LJ winks and I giggle.

Toby looks over at me and grins. I've noticed that he's been wearing his mouth guard less and less; maybe he's becoming more confident? Whatever it is, I really enjoy being able to see his smile every once in a while. He has a nice smile.

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