17. ( part eight ) comforted by kagekao

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( y/n's pov )
"( y/n )?" a voice called on the other end, sounding everything but happy. I grimaced and rubbed my eyes, wiping the tears away.

I closed my eyes and rested against the door, listening as the person on the other end stood there, just breathing. It was kind of creepy.
"What?" I asked shakily, trying to sturdy out my voice but ultimately failing.

The person on the other end, someone who I could only guess about the identity, began to speak again as I calmed myself down.
"May I come in, please?"

So it was Kagekao outside. Figures. I sighed and looked up at the ceiling, willing the muddy tears to absorb back into my eyes and disappear.

Kagekao gasped on the other end, sounding genuinely offended.
"What? Why not?"

I got up to adjust myself and turned to the door, watching to make sure that he didn't pull anything like trying to unlock the lock.
"Because I, I don't feel like talking to anyone."

He was silent for a moment before talking again.
"You don't have to talk then. We can just sit and be quiet."

I pushed my messy ( h/c ) out of my face and tried not to smile at his comment.
"Kagekao," my voice cracked, "since when can you be quiet?"

He gasped again, but this time I could tell it wasn't real.
"When have I ever been loud? I'm everything but loud." I could hear the smile edging its way into his voice.

"You're not loud, you just... talk a lot."

He laughed a genuine laugh and I cracked a watery smile to myself.
"Well, yes. But I won't if you don't want me to. Please, ( y/n )~?"

His tone of voice was that of a kid begging for candy. I reached a hand out towards the doorknob, brushing my fingertips against the lock.
"Promise me that you'll just sit with me quietly."

He giggled and placed his hand on the doorknob.
"I promise!"

I unlocked the door and watched as the door opened. Kagekao looked down at me with his smiling mask and I just shrugged very slightly. He kneeled down and brushed a few strands of ( h/c ) hair out of my face.

"Here, let's not stay in the bathroom. Let's go downstairs."

I nodded and got up, brushing myself off with my hands. Kagekao suddenly wrapped his arms around me and picked me up, holding me bridal style.

I squirmed around in his arms.
"Kagekao? I can walk you know."

He giggled again and nodded, beginning his little trip down the stairs. I felt as if he was about to drop me any moment, Kagekao's grip was so loose, though I knew Kagekao wouldn't do something as mean as that.

"I know, but carrying you around is fun."

I shrugged and played with my hands awkwardly, fighting the urge to smile.

We hit the bottom of the stairs and made our way over to the living room. Kagekao spun my around in his arms before practically tossing me onto the couch.

I felt a giggle escape my lips, however I instantly regretted it. Kagekao giggled, jumped in next to me on the couch, and pulled me close to his body, resting his head on top of mine.

I accepted his cuddles and wrapped my arms around his waist, leaning against his chest. I sighed and tucked my legs into his, trying to get warmer.

For some reason, the living room was always freezing. I blame Slender for being a total dad and not letting us use the heater until winter.

Kagekao began to play with my ( h/l ) ( h/c ) hair, combing his fingers through the mess and humming to himself. Oddly enough, I found this to be soothing.

He continued combing though my hair until I sneezed, interrupting our peaceful cuddling. He giggled and cupped my face gently.

"Your sneezes sound like a kitten, ( y/n )," Kagekao crowed gleefully, squeezing my cheeks like a grandma would do to a child. I twisted out of his grip and blushed, burying my face in his scarf. It smelled like rain and wine, a scent that was both comforting and horrifying.

Thinking more on it, I realized how strange it was for Kagekao and I to be cuddling like this. I mean... we're only friends, right? I pushed the thought away and pulled him closer, snuggling Kagekao as if he was a teddy bear.

He giggled again and wrapped his arms back around my waist, tracing circles in the crook of my back. I squirmed and bit back a laugh, seeing as his actions really tickled.

"Kagekao, that tickles," I whined. He looked up at me, mask grinning devilishly. His hands moved from my back to my waist, quickly beginning to tickle me.

I burst out laughing and squirmed, flailing my arms around trying to dislodge him. Kagekao pinned me down and tickled me more, watching as my face got flushed.

Kagekao stopped after a few minutes, leaving me pink and panting for air.
He chuckled and pulled me back to him, tucking his head on mine.

"I hope you'll feel better soon, ( y/n )."


sorry for this sucky chapter

im getting tired of writing these comforting chapters auughhh

i'll try to get the story back on track soon just pls bare with me here

word count: 898 words

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