Chapter ☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️

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Heart pounding, I slowly ride up the elevator alone.
The doors open, & I slowly make my way to the office.
I open a door, hoping I didn't walk into Vance Refrigerator...or whatever it was called.

The first person I see is Jim.

We lock eyes.

A guy with black hair walks out of a small office, approaching me, hand out to shake.

"Hello, I'm regional manager Micheal Scott, & you must be...?"

"I'm (y/n)(l/n), I-I'm here to interview for the receptionist job."

He let's go of my hand, and turns around to Jim.


Jim stands up immediately, and puts his hands in his pockets.

"Yup," he walks over to me. "here, follow me to the conference room. you said your name is (y/n) right?"


We walk into the conference room, & Jim closes the door behind him. There's blinds in here, they're all closed.

We take a seat at a table in the middle of the room.

"That was perfect. 10/10! Jim whispers. "Now we just have to pretend like I'm giving you an interview," Jim explains. "so, after this 'interview', you will start the new job tomorrow. I will let everyone know the news when you leave."

I nod, raising my hands in the air. "Woo! Exciting!"

Jim chuckles. "I know right? Alright let's start."

Jim gives me my 'interview', & for some reason I'm still petrified.

I think it's because I literally here whispering outside the door & faint sliding against the door. I'm trying to pretend not to hear it.

After about ten minutes of us just silently chatting, Jim blatantly says out loud:

"Okay, & that's the end of our interview today. I think that went very well,"

I hear stomping outside the door, I think it's actually running, & I swear I hear someone say,
"Go go go!"

It's Micheal.

"but for now, I'll call you tomorrow, & let you know the news!"

Jim opens the door & let's me out first. He follows behind me, & I watch as some people sit in their seats.
Micheal leans against his doorway.

They were eavesdropping...?

"Alright, thank you so much Mr. Halpert, I'll be on the lookout!"

We shake hands.

"Call you later!"
We stop shaking hands, & I walk towards the door.

Jim winks & waves.
I wink back.

As I'm leaving I here Micheal say, "Wait why did you just wink at her?"

I laugh to myself, & make my way to the elevator.

That wasn't so bad was it?

Why did I dress up just to be here for like 10 minutes?

Damn it.

I get to the bottom floor, & the elevator doors slowly reopen. Micheal stands with a big grin on his face. And he's breathing heavily. He ran down the damn stairs.

"Hey again, before you go, I just want to just let you know you can start today!"


"Sure why not? So, why don't I just, ride back up on the elevator with you, & we'll talk about it when we get there."

"Are you sure?"

"Absolutely! C'mon, get in."

We quickly get in & awkwardly wait as the elevator treks up.

"So, um, how's your day so far?" Micheal asks.
"Uh, actually it's-"

"I think you're really pretty."

My eyes widen. "I-I'm sorry?"

"I think you're really pretty. Want to go for a drink sometime?"

"U-uhm, I don't-"

The elevator doors open, & I literally fast walk to the office door.
Micheal quickly catches up.

"You were saying?"

I stop walking.

"Sorry, Micheal I just got here. I just met you not even 10 minutes ago."

Micheal sighs, & mumbles, "Alrighty that didn't go as planned." And he quickly walks into the office, & shuts himself in his 'bosses room' & closes the blinds.

Jim swivels in his chair, & quickly stands up to walk over to me.

"I'm assuming he told you you could actually start today right? I told him to go catch you before you left. The employees think you're a good fit."

I look past Jim, & I lock eyes with an older red headed lady.
She smiles, & waves.
I wave back.

"U-uh, I-I'm...yeah, he did. But, I actually have to go, right now, I have to go visit my mom today... would it be fine, if, I started tomorrow?"

"Yeah, absolutely! Family is very important after all. I'll meet you here tomorrow at 9 o'clock."

"Thanks. Bye everyone! See you tomorrow!"
I wave out to everyone in the room.

I hear mumbles of goodbyes, & Jim chuckles.
"Sorry, tough crowd today."
I shrug & snicker. "It's alright. I totally understand."

Jim smiles at me, & says, "See you tomorrow (y/n)."

"Yup, right back at cha."

Jim goes to sit back down in his seat, & I rush out.

I take the stairs this time.
I don't want to be caught with Micheal at the bottom.

But again, damn it, I dressed up for nothing.
Well at least I got an extra horrifying minute in there.

the coffee☕️ {Jim Halpert X Reader}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin