Chapter ☕️x30

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So, I ended up texting him, and I ended up telling him to be with her.

I can't believe what I've done.

He read the text, but never responded.

It's now around midnight, and I'm laying in bed, curled up staring endlessly at my ceiling.

I don't want to go to work this week at all. It's Saturday, so I have an extra day, at least.

I slowly start finding myself dozing off, so I let myself.


And now it's Monday.

I did nothing on Sunday, it's not worth talking about. No messages from anybody at all.

I get dressed, but I get dressed to my lowered standards.

I drive past the coffee shop, and head straight into work.

I try not to look at anybody. It's oddly quiet and I don't like it. Even Michael is working. Oh god.

I don't know if Jim is there or not, I haven't looked, and I don't really want to.

Erin walks up to my desk, and leans in close. "Hey, hows it going?" She whispers.

I shrug. "I don't know," I say back. "Why is everyone so quiet?"

She looks around, noticing everyone working peacefully. I awkwardly sit there as she does, feeling like everyone is eyeing me.

"I don't know, but uh, Pam's not here yet. She's the only one not here."

I look passed Erin, and Pam's spot is vacant. I look back up at her. Jim is there, working vigilantly.

The only thing I can come up with saying is, "Odd."

"I know right?" Erin says, turning back to me. "It'll be okay, if you need me, I'll be a few feet away." She smiles, starting to walk away.

"Erin! Wait!" I loud whisper to make her turn back around again. "Will you go to lunch with me today?"

Erin gasps. "Oooh, where ya thinking?"

"Anywhere is fine. Chili's?"

She nods. "Thats fine with me!"

"Alright good, I'll catch you then." I say back.

She smiles quickly and walks back to her desk.

When lunchtime came around, Erin and I practically sprinted out the door, and we hopped into my car.

"We had to get out before Jim offered to take you anywhere." Erin laughed.

We got to Chili's, and ate there. Obviously.
I had a salad, but I don't remember what Erin had. It was something really weird. A burger or something? I wasn't paying attention.

By the end of the day, me and Jim hadn't spoke a word, and the office in general was just super quiet. I mean it was a Monday hustle, and a new year.

After work, I decided to go get coffee, but at Starbucks instead of the normal coffee shop. I didn't really want Jim trying to find me there.
I mean, he knows where I live, but still.
Once I got inside, I ordered my drink, and sat in a booth in a corner.

And it's awfully bitter. Yuck.

After awhile, a giant rain of people started coming in, which I thought was kind of annoying, until I saw Pam walk in.

I tried not to make any eye contact with her, but she saw me, and walked over to me, and sat down across from me.

"Hey, Pam." I say quietly, but calmly.

"Hey, I've been trying to find you. I've needed to talk to you," she takes her gloves off, and sets the on the table. "Jim says you might be at the coffee shop by the office, but I couldn't find you. I came to the closest coffee shop, I have to explain some things to you,"

Well at least he's talking to her.

"...I just wanted to say I'm sorry for anything I've caused between you and Jim. It's a whole mess. I would've told you at work today, but I obviously wasn't there today," she smiles, trying to ease the tension. "I was with corporate all day. They were sorting out my new position and all that."

I shake my head. "Thank you, but I don't know if he told you this, but he's still in love with you. I told him to be with you."

Her eyes widen, and she ruffles her brows.

"What? No no, y/n, I-I'm engaged." I look down at her hands.

There's a ring there now.

Then my eyes widen.

"W-What? Why haven't you been wearing it?"

She chuckles, embarrassed, "I might've lost it, I scoured my house looking for it, only to find my husband had it stuck in one of his jean pockets."

I'm absolutely astonished.
So you're telling me this piece of METAL has been messing up everything my life right now?

"" Is all I can say. I look down at her ring, and back up at her again.

"Listen, I didn't know Jim still had feelings for me, it's been so long since we had a relationship," she sigh laughs. "I've been married to my husband for 2 years. He worked there as well. I moved because he had a better job offer, and he took it, but then we both got a better one back at Dunder Mifflin. I thought Jim knew I was married, but of course I bet the missing ring took him for a spin. I would never ever want to do anything to ruin the relationship for you, I'm so sorry."

Everything makes sense now.

"Thank you, that means so much to me. It clears up so much stuff. I, myself am also sorry, I should've come to talk to you like an adult. I think I just got too stuck inside my head," I pause, looking away at a few customers for a moment to ease some tension. "I really messed up too. I'm so sorry I said those things at the party. Jim wont talk to me now, I think I really hurt him too."

"Oh, y/n, Jim's been waiting for you to talk to him! You told him you needed space didn't you? He didn't want to barge into your thinking time."

Oh my gosh.

What have I done.

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