Chapter ☕️x19

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When I stepped inside my house, I just dropped on the floor and fell asleep. Not literally, but it kind of felt like it. I at least made it to my couch.

I didn't really have anywhere to go, my family usually has our Christmas party a few days after Christmas so that traveling is lighter.

I have such a big family that it takes a lot of driving and/or flying for everyone to get into my mom's house.

Jim got back from his Christmas party by the time I woke up, and he said that it went horribly wrong.

He said that the turkey his mom brought set on fire and burnt, and the giant Christmas tree they had up ended up falling on someone's grandma.

His family is big too, and he doesn't know whose who at this point. He only sees them at Christmas anyways.

He said the grandma is alright though, but, poor someone's grandma. Whoever someone is.

I decided to spend the rest of my weekend recovering, and doing some hardcore coffee drinking, and guzzling Advil.

Oh and Netflix binging like always.


Michael ordered us into the conference room the moment everyone arrived.

"Attention everyone," he starts. "we can no longer host parties."

Everyone in the room awe's and sighs in despair. But of course Angela is the one that has to speak up.

"Michael I told you you couldn't have alcohol at the party!"

"Well, sorry we like to have fun, ANGELA! Thank-you-very-MUCH!"

Angela stood up with a face of disgust, straightened out her shirt, and walked out.

Michael shut the door behind her.

Phyllis spoke up. "Michael, does that mean that the Party Planning Committee is over with?"

"Quite possibly, Wallace told me no more parties."

"Wait does he mean birthday parties too?" Jim asks.

"You know what Jim, I don't know! I don't know! Let's call Wallace right now! Let's tell him we should be able to have parties! Right guys?"

"No!" Everyone responds, and mostly starts saying to leave him be.

"Yeah!" Meredith shouts.

"Everyone to Michaels office!" Dwight shouts, heading for the door.

Even though almost everyone said no to calling Wallace, everyone followed Dwight into Michaels office. Stanley just left and went back to his desk.

"Wallace! You have the whole office here, ready to riot! We want to know why we can have any parties! You're on speaker!" Michael shouts into the phone.

Yeah no we aren't going to riot though.

"Michael, we went over this! You brought alcohol into the office when it's clearly against the rules! You can have parties just no alcohol."

Everyone sighs in a 'thank god' kind of a way, and walks out. 

Michael follows everyone out, and stands in his door way. "We've been saved everybody!"

He starts clapping as everyone's sitting, but at this point nobody cares.

"Michael!" David yells from the phone.

Michael rolls his eyes and turns around, closing the door.


Before he closes the door, I hear Wallace say,

"I have to talk to you about a past employee, that might be wanting to-"


I mean I know I'm not supposed to be eavesdropping, but wanting to do what?

I looked over at Jim and Erin to see if he heard anything, but they both were already looking at me. Jim and Erin's desks were both together, so it was easy to talk to them both. Well, not really this time. 

I pointed to Michaels door, and Jim nodded and stuck out his thumb and pinky to make a phone with his hand. Erin and I nodded as all three of us looked back and forth at each other.

I nodded back, shrugged, and tilted my head. I was going to mouth 'who?' but Dwight interrupted us.

"You nincompoops need to stop with your stupid baby sign language and get to work before I tell Michael your eavesdropping."

"Dwight I'm going to tell Michael that your eavesdropping on my sign language." Jim says in a sarcastically serious way.

Dwight opened his mouth to say something, but quickly went back to work.

Jim and Erin looked over to me and smiled. But I think we got the message across.

By lunch, everyone was talking about it.

I guess everyone saw us do our little hand shake thing or maybe they heard it too.

Some people went out to eat, so they didn't get to hear the new gossip.

"Did you guys hear about Michael talking about a past employee?" Kevin asked while scarfing down a sandwich.

"It's none of our business." Angela says, in a monotone voice, poking at her salad.

"Who do you think he might've been talking about?" Meredith asks.

"Ah yes, I remember Devon." Creed says, putting his feet up on the table.

"It's not Devon, he sworn he'd never come back here again after what Michael did to him." Phyllis said.

I have no clue who Devon is.

Or what Michael did to him.

Dwight would probably know, but he's out to lunch with Michael.

"Oh I got it!" Andy blurts. "What if it's Pam?"

Erin's eyes widen and Jim looks up at Andy.

Everyone goes silent.

"Even if they were talking, it might not be about anything serious." Oscar says to break the silence.

"Yeah Oscar is probably right, not anything serious." Jim says quickly.

I pick up my soda, and take a quick sip.

"Ooo Jim do I see sweat dripping down your face?" Kevin teases to Jim.

"Oh my god. You and Pam, ha ha ha.' Meredith says.

"Aw Jimmy! What if she's coming back?" Phyllis says excitedly.

"No, no." Jim smiles awkwardly, and tries to stop everyone from saying anything.

"Aww," Andy continues to say.

Jim shakes his head as I see in the corner of my eye, and when I look at him he stops like he's not doing it.

Everyone cooned over Jim's embarrassment until I ask, "Whose Pam?"

Everyone stopped in their tracks, and Jim face palms and sighs.

"God dammit," he whispers.

More soon ;)

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