Chapter ☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️

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Everyone went around the room introducing themselves, & it turns out, they're all in their 30's & late 50's.

I'm only 28. Well, me & Erin are the same age though.
I like Erin. So far she's seems very sweet. So is Phyllis.

And I think it's nice to have older people around.

"Alright now that we've introduced ourselves, what about you?" Erin asks, smiling.

"Well, my name is (y/n)(l/n) and I like (y/h) & I'm also very excited to start working here."
"Alright, party time's over." Stanley says, as he walks out.

Everyone follows along with him, & files out.
"We gotta get back to work kiddo." Andy asks.

"Nice meeting you (y/n), see you around!" Nellie says.

I like Nellie. Her accent is perfect.
"Thanks Nellie, you too."

After everyone files out, Phyllis & Angela are still sitting.

"We're sorry about Micheal...he's usually like that. You'll get used to it though," "He's just full of himself."

"Thanks Phyllis." I smile.

"So since we would like to welcome you, the party planning committee, which is me & Angela-"

"Angela & I! Phyllis, grammar!"

Phyllis turns & looks back at Angela.
"What?" She shrugs.
"Anyways, we would like to throw a party for you!"

"A party? Aww you don't have t-"

"Yes! We do!" Angela blurts, and then awkwardly clears her throat. "W-we would like to throw one for you."

"Oh, well, alright, thank you."

"We would just like to know what you would like to have, what kind of cake, streamers, etc." Phyllis explains.

"Um, well, I like (y/f/c) and I like pastel colors."

"Alright! Thanks hun! We'll throw the party tomorrow." Phyllis says, standing up.

"Thanks!" I tell her.
We file out of the conference room, & I go back to my desk.

Jim's POV
"Micheal, you gotta stop."
"I can't, Jim, I love her! You're trying to take her from me!"

"No, I'm not, Micheal. She doesn't want to be with you. I literally think you're scaring her. So stop."

"Jim, have you ever been in love before? Clearly not because you don't want me to date her!"

"Micheal! You need to stop. We didn't hire her just for you to date her."

"Fine, whatever. Go, sell a mop or something."
"Will you come apologize to (y/n)?" I point back to reception.

I walk out with Micheal, & everyone is already back to their seats.

My / Your POV
I've been playing Solitaire for a few minutes now.
I think I'm starting to get the hang of it.
"Hey!" Jim says, walking up to my desk.
"Oh hey, Jim! What's up?"


"Micheal here has a few things to say to you," Micheal appears out of no where behind Jim. "he would like to apologize."
Jim gives me a quick smile, & walks back to his desk.

"Hey," Micheal says quietly.

"Hi, Micheal."

"I'm sorry, that I made you uncomfortable," He looks down at his feet. "I just haven't dated anyone in awhile."

"It's fine, Micheal. I totally understand. Can we please not talk about it?" He looks back up.

"Okay...oh, & one more thing, can you get candy from the store? The old receptionist used to get candy for us." He points to the empty bowl.

"Oh, yes, I can. I'd be glad to."

"Thanks." He mumbles, walking back to his office.
"Oh, Micheal?" He turns back around.
"What? Do you want to date me yet?"

Everyone in the room sighs.

"What? Hey! Get back to work!"

They do a lot of sighing. It's like a sitcom.

"No, Micheal I don't-"
"No no no! Don't say it! Don't say it! I don't want to hear you anymore!" He runs back to his office & closes the door.
And then reopens it.

"And by the way I saw you playing Solitaire!"
He slams his door again.

I plop my head down on the keyboard, and quietly sigh. I hear a knock on my desk.
"Hey (l/n). Hard day?"
I lift my head back up, with keyboard markings on my forehead.
"Absolutely," I mumble. "I need a coffee break."

"Well hey, I was just about to go get one! Want to go to the break room with me? I'll give you a tour of the office while we're at it."

"Sweet! Let's go!" I follow behind him, looking around the office. I just realized I never really looked around before.

Well, at least I'm touring it now.
I have to pee.

"This is our first stop, the kitchen, where coffee can be found. Cool right? Let's get a cup, & a can continue our tour."

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