The Way it Always Has Been

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It was 10:30 am on Saturday morning and I watched from across the dinner table as my brither, Shaggy, shovelled pancakes, bacon, sausages, eggs, and God knows what else down his throat for breakfast.

Our dog, Scooby, was eating his pile of sausages with equal enthusiasm as I sat, smirking at them both.

Growing up with them, I had grown accustomed to them eating like gannits and had learnt to accept it. Now, where I would have usually wanted to throw up for them, I simply laughed.

Then there was the honk of a horn from outside.

Shaggy chugged down the last of his juice and Scooby chomped the remainder of his sausage before they dashed out, leaving me to load the dishwasher. I did so reluctantly before grabbing my small rucksack and walking out of the front door, locking it behind me.

Turning around, I squinted in the bright sun, but could make out, with no problem, the familiar blue, green and orange van parked up outside. I traipsed over to it, looking through the window to see our three friends, Fred, Velma and Daphne sitting there smiling widley at me.

"Jinkies Avery, get in," exclaimed Velma, laughing.

I chuckled and did so, going aroudn the back of the van and opening the double doors to clamber into the seatless rear of it.

Fifteen minutes into the drive, and things were as they always were. Velma was babbling on about her latest scientific discovery to Shaggy, occasionally having to push her glasses further up the bridge of her nose. With equal enthusiasm, Shaggy was telling her about the latest burger joint in town and how good their double whopper cheeseburger with about twenty toppings was.

Daphne was talking to Fred flirtaciously about the latest style boutique in town and about a dress she had been eyeing up. Fred just nodded, his eyes on the road as he drove the van up the street. Daphne continued babbling though, clearly not satisfied with his nodding, smiling reaction.

"You'll come with me when I go to try it on, right?" she queried, battering her eyelashes and pouting.

"Of course I will," Fred agreed before he momentarily took his eyes off the road to kiss her fully on the lips.

That made me sick to my stomach. I had always liked Fred, from the moment I met him, but let's face it, I'm not Daphne.

I haven't got flawless skin or long hair or a petite figure; I'm just me, somewhat average in every way. There sat Daphne, in her purple dress and heels, with her hair straight and cascading down her shoulders with a little bow sat atop her head. Then, I thought to what I was wearing; a black tank top with camouflage trousers, black combat boots, with a khaki green cap perched on top of my shoulder-length brown waves.

I would never be like Daphne, I knew that, and I would have to accept the fact that Fred would never like me the way I liked him.

As I continued to look at the two of them laughing, smiling and flirting from my seat in the back of the van, I couldn't help the stray tear that leaked down my cheek.

Within seconds though, I felt a wet tongue lap it up. Turning to see Scooby, I couldn't help my smile- he really was the most loyal dog in the world.

He let me cuddle him, knowing it made me feel better when I had someone to hug.

"Thanks Scoob," I whispered, smiling through my tears.

"Rit's rokay Ravery," he said.

I sighed. When had it come to the point that I could only really rely on my dog?

Perfect Mismatched Love- Fred Jones Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now