||01-"I thought winging was my thing?"||

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Chapter Song: Lions inside-Valley of Wolves.

We got a read on Wanda's location and she was in Scotland we sour over the night sky in the distance I see explosion. Explosion= Bad guys.

Steve and I share a look of worry and confusion. Sam accelerates the jet landing there the chaos erupted.

"Plan?" I ask my husband.

He simply shrugs whilst shaking he's head." No plan I'd thought we just wing it."

"I thought winging was my thing." I quipped and reciprocated with a wink.

He smirks back at me and we move into position.

The train zooms past and I can see the silhouette of Thanos followers one in hood and cloak another with long dark blue hair.

She flings her towards her weapon towards us . Steve quickly dodging the attack catching  the weapon. She stares at Steve in confusion giving us an opening.

Sam comes souring through the air delivering a powerful blow sending her through a cafe window. He fires two missiles at the other; but he easily deflects he's attack.

I slide against the concrete below catching the trident from Steve. I deliver a cut to the hooded alien's leg. He kneels allowing me to stab him in he's stomach. He takes a swing I quickly deflect and deliver a spinning kick knocking him back.

The trident flies from my grip and into the enemy's. The blue haired horned alien souring into the air but Steve pick the discard weapon blocking her attack. her and Steve trade blows I attack from behind clanging metal Natasha unsctythed her batons and attacked.

Sam delivers one final blow. She crawls to her wound comrade

Sam aims he's guns at them.

"Get up." She commands.

"I can't." He pants while holding he's wound

"We don't wanna kill you, but we will." Natasha threatened.

She scowls. "You never get the chance."

A blue light appears beaming them through a hole in the roof. The trident flies out of Steve's grasp into a large Q shaped ship above.

Natasha scythe her batons while we approach an injured android and Wanda.

"Can you stand?" Sam asks the injured android. He flicks from yellow and gray.

"Thank you, Captain." He says he voice distorted.

Steve slightly smile and simply nods." Let's get you on the jet."

We all got back on the jet.

"I though we had a deal. Stay close, check in, don't take any chances." Natasha rambled.

"I'm sorry we just wanted time." She respond while her thumb traces over Visions.

"Nat give her break." I muttered.

She exhales and nods her head.

Wanda gives me a small sympathetic smile. I reciprocated back with a smile.

"Where to Cap?" Sam asks.

"Home." He replies.

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