9: Your still weak!

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Violets P.O.V

As I got to fighting stance and Alex follows, getting in his stance that is already weak. He doesn't even have his hands up to protect his face. He has them protecting his chest. I see the pack sluts coming and Lilly looks really mad at something, I mean she glaring at me. Oh wait that's just all of the make up she's wearing us weighing down on her eyes.she walk up to Alex and then looks at me up and down.

"Who are you?" She asks in a high pitch voice that sounds like nails on a chalkboard. I saw my pack grid their teeth from the voice and I chuckle at them.

"Violet, do you remember me? Do you remember the person that ran from here years ago? Do you Lilly?" I spat her name like it was acid on my tongue.

"What? She died years ago." She replied. The boys where struggling to keep from knocking her out in order to stop her from talking.

'Dont do it. And think about it I dealt with that voice for years. You only just heard it.' I remind them through the mind link.

'How do you still have your hearing Alpha?' August asks.

'I don't know I really don't.' I answered and was brought back by a small gust of air across my face. I look at what had happened and realised that u had dodged a slap from Lilly when I was talking to August. Yes my body dose go to self-defense mode when I am mind linking.

"Did you just try to slap me?" I asked her in a venomous voice.

"Yes. If you are Violet then prove it." She says. This pisses me off, I take a deep breath and calm down before I make this place go up in flames. I look at the boys and they all are nodding their head yes, but Rachel is just smirking. I look back at Lilly.

"Lilly you would rather fuck Alex in a janitor's closet then go to any type of class or strip club, you have slept with mostly every male your age even if they have a mate yet or not. You have tortured me for years on end and have more STD's then a human striper." I state and everyone goes quite, you see only Violet knows that type of stuff about everyone in the pack because they told me most of it. They told me because I would not tell, why would I? I was weak and I would get beat if I did.

"Whatever you are still weak!" She shouted and I pretended to not be faced by it but in reality it pissed me off.

I look over at Alex and motion to start the fight. He tells Lilly to go away and we finally start the fight.

We circled each other, he was trying to find a weakness before he strikes. I already found all of his. If he was looking for a weakness then I'll give him a fake one, I started to place more of my weight on my right leg to make it seem that my left one is hurt. He sees this a smirks. Oh. If only you knew Alex, your ass is about to be whooped.

"Violet! Your still weak and always will be." I heard Lilly scream at me and it pushed me over the edge I lunged at Alex and hit a hard blow to his ribs, I felt three of his ribs break beneath my fist. He stumbled back and then lunged at me aiming for my left leg expecting it to be weak. But is wasn't it was strong and when he went to kick it I didn't budge, he stepped back in supprize.

"Weak! Weak! Weak!" Lilly chants. Oh no. I look at my pack and mind link them to get down because of my powers I could feel them acting up because of my rage I cover my left eye with some of my hair. They immediately jump down to a push up position. Alex's pack look at them like they are crazy but they don't even notice.

Weak! Weak! Weak!" Lilly continued to chant. Suddenly large black flames went up around the whole training area, and all I see is red because of my rage.

"What the hell?!" Alex yelled as he looks at the flames. I tool the chance and lunged at him making him and I fall so that I was straddling him. I raised me fist and started to punch him over and over again till I hear Simon yell at me to stop.

I get off of him and look around. I see everyone looking at me in fear and the black flames higher then a skyscraper, then I loom at Alex his face was covered in his blood and he had major injurys all over.

"Violet...... Calm down it's ok you won." Simon says wearily. I nod my head and look as Alex's pack.

"Be here at six in the morning sharp! Males and females!" I yell and they all nod. And Mace comes from the sidelines and picks up Alex and walks him to the pack doctor but was stopped by the wall of fire.

"Violet you have to calm down all the way." August says and hugs me along with my other pack members. I take deep breaths and the flames go out immediately.

"Good job now we have to get you home your wolf needs to rest along with your body." Simon says. I nod and start to walk home.

"Was that your dads doing?" Mace asks suddenly from behind me. I turn around fully calm so I move my hair out of my eye.

"No he did not do that his flames are blue along with all of the other demons." I said causally. Rachel come up behind me to try and get me to move but then she see's Mace and freezes. Mace also freezes and stares at her.

"Mate." They both say. Mace seem beyond happy but Rachel seems to be sad with a bit of rage.

'Rachel you can be with him I don't care, he is your mate but if he dose something wrong then I will kill him.' I state through mind link. She looks at me with relief.

'Thank you Alpha.' She says back.

"I will leave you to be." I say and wink at her as she glares at me. I walk back to the rest and we continue to the house.

"Alpha what happend to Rachel?" Simon's asks once we are in our house.

"She found her mate." I said. They looked at me in suprize.

"And you let her be with him?" Tim asks completely bewildered.

"Yes but I will kill him if he hurts her." I clarify. They all nod in agreement.

"Night guys I am going to bed." I shout as I am going up the stairs.

"Good night Alpha." I hear in reply. I smile, it's good to have a family even if they are assassin's.

When I get to my room I take a shower to clean all of the blood off of me. I step out and change into some basketball shorts and a T-shirt. I climb into bed and fall into a light sleep with a knife in my hand like always.

(Thanks for reading guys! And thanks to Satrion for the chapter idea! Remember to comment it really helps!)

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