31: But he's the enemy... right?

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(Hey guys! Now I know I know I don't do A/N's at the beginning of chapters but I fell this one should be. Before we get into the chapter there's just a couple things I want to say.

1- thank you so much for the support about me not being able to write for a bit, there was some things I needed to sort out with my friends and family life. I can't possibly express how much it means to me.

2- it's come to my attention that there are certain parts in this book that are just REALLY cringy that I wrote a long time ago and forgot about. So I am going to go back and change some stuff, not enough to where it messes up the story.

3- I'm thinking of a Q&A type chapter, so if you want that ask your questions in the comments on this chapter.

4- this chapter is quite long. There are a lot of things that I wanted to fit into it and it didn't seem right to separate the events into different chapters.

So with out any further delays, enjoy the chapter!)

(Violet's P.O.V)

~The last day of the games~

"Violet get off of me. We have to get ready for the final day of games." I heard. I groan not wanting to leave the comfortable position I was in. I slowly open my eyes, quickly jumping up out of bed when I realize I was laying on top of Logan, his arms loosely around me. He laughs slightly only making me blush slightly, I turned away before he could see. I hear him shuffling in the bed then silence, right before I was about to turn around I felt his arms around my waist.

"Don't be so salty princess. After all we both know you want all this. You don't have to play hard to get." I turned around at this and tried to punch him, unfortunately he caught my fist and smirked at me.

"That's gonna bruis." He said. I only yanked my hand away and walked into my bathroom to get changed, I heard the door open and slam closed again. He had stopped leaving my room supper early the night Alex came in, for two reasons. One: the camera caught us anyway, there's no point hiding it now. Two: I got really bad nightmare's about what Okalen did, and about my past. So Logan decided to stay with me, kill with me, eat dinner with me. Pretty much he decided to never leave my side, he's overreacting if you ask me.

I am still absolutely pissed at Alex and Simon. Simon had no right to tell Alex what information I gave them it's not his place to tell. Alex had no right to come down here, act like that towards me, and think that he knows everything about me when he doesn't know a damn thing. After getting dressed I walk to the big doors. Later five others joined me. They were: Logan, Okalen, Orzaken, Jean , and Cally. Adam was called out of the games when my father needed him to guard a visitor that came to see the games today, we have yet to see this person.  Logan came to stand next to me as the camera watched everyone.

"Do you know what we are doing today?" He asked. I just rolled me eyes.

"What do you think we are doing? There are six people left and only three can come out alive. Connect the dots doofus." I told him, it took a few minutes before realization showed on his face, I face palmed at this, is he really that dumb? Before I got the chance to ask him about his intelligence the doors open and we all walk to our grid spots, honestly it just looks like we are scattered around. I feel eyes bore into me, out of the corner of my eye I see my dad, Simon, Alex, Dean, and Sean looking down to me. Only Dean and my dad aren't glaring at me. I roll my eyes. The camera come to scan us.

Violet King:
Emotions: anger, annoyance, determination, confusion
Wounds: none
Power status: high

Logan Mendes:
Emotions: determination, anger, playfulness
Wounds: bruised palm
Power status: high

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