29: Hidden Secrets

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Alex's P.O.V

"Anyone notice it got really hot last night?" Alpha Simon asks me and Sean. I hummed in agreement, Sean didn't reply but he did tense up a bit.

"Yeah, and the sky got bright with red and blue?" I say Simon nods in agreement. Sean grumbles about some magic shit under his breath.

"What was that Sean? Did you say something?" I ask.

"The heat waves and sky lighting up was a magic reaction. It's happened once before. In one of Violets training sessions." He spoke after a few minutes of silence.

"Magic reaction? Like Violets magic was reacting to something near her? I thought the doors down there locked when the contestants are in them." Simon reasoned. Sean shook his head no.

"The doors only lock when the contestant AND trainer are in the room. The contestants have opportunities to kill each other at night." He explains. I raised my eyebrow growling under my breath. I felt pain last night through the mate bond but I shook it off and didn't mention it to anyone.

"Anyways we have to get going, I want to know what happened yesterday before the games." Sean said. Me and Simon agreed and we left the house. A dog came up to Sean once we got into the spectating room. The dog had black fur with red swirling patterns, also a P.V tattoo under it's left eye. Sean stood up straighter, seeming cautious of the dog.

"Dean, what do you want?" Sean asks his voice was stern. The dog growled.

"You don't know what happened to my master last night? You and masters father should have sensed that something was wrong. Although that explains why it actually happened, and he had to save her." It spoke it's voice deep and gravely.

"What do you mean, what happened last night. I can't tell what happened because her so called mate is here, I'm not her main protective guardian if he is here." Sean explained with worry in his eyes. The dog looked over at me growling. This must be one of the hellhounds Sean was talking about.

"Did you feel anything last night?" It asked.

"I felt pain through the mate bond but I didn't worry about it." I said. I was confused on why I would have to worry about the black wolf. Although Leo was telling at me when I didn't investigate why she was in pain. She is the strongest being I know she would be able to fight off anything that came her way. Right?

"And you didn't go investigate? Let alone tell her damn trainer? Don't you think he would be able to tell you if she was in real danger? Your supposed to be her damn mate after all!" It growled furiously. I snarled. How dare this must disrespect me, and question me?!

"And what do you know?! You're just a damn mut! What rank do you have in a damn pack?! You're just a damn Omega trying to be involved with the Alphas!" I yell, it snarled and Sean face palms.

"What do I know?! I can sense what she's feeling at every giving moment! If I want to I can see through her eyes at whatever she is doing! And if she wants I will be teleported to her side! I'm her hellhound! I'm the Alpha of all Alpha's down here. Don't ever come into my territory and disrespect me! I'm royalty, compared to me you're the mut!" It seethed, we glared at each other until Sean yelled called us to the T.V. on the screen it showed the highlights of the games. We saw the deal that Violet and Logan made, the injections, and all the kills. Then it switched to the live camera, it was scanning people's rooms and telling us who was in them. We could see down the hall when it was switching rooms only to see Logan coming out of Violets room and going into his own room. This made me furious along with Sean and Simon, Dean seemed fine with it though. He just yelled at me for not being worried about her! Now he's acting like the guy we're supposed to hate is perfectly fine to be around her!

Alpha...... You rejected me. Remember?Where stories live. Discover now