17: Logan.

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Alex's P.O.V

I walk over to Simon's pack to see what the matter was, they were all surrounding the arrow that had shot August. They all seemed shocked and scared pit of their minds. I walked over to Violet who was sitting on the floor with pure horror on her face.

"Violet... What's wrong?" I asked with a pleading tone. I want to help her I wanted to help Simon's pack and I don't know why. Maybe because it seems that the toughest and most dangerous pack in the world is rendered useless and weak just because of a arrow head.

Suddenly Violet looks at the arrow head and starts to shake slightly, but he thing that caught my attention was that her eyes are glowing blue, not red, but blue.

"Alpha Simon.... What's happening?" I ask and he turns and walks to Violet.

"I don't know.... She has never done this..." He says as he kneels down next to her and hesitantly trys to put his hand on her shoulder. It was like he was scared she would kill him if he touched her. His hand got a few centimeters from her shoulder when a wave of power pushes us all to the wall.

After about five minutes of us being pushed into the wall and barley being able to breathe Violets power waves got weaker and weaker till they we're nonexistent. I fall to the floor gasping for breath along with everyone else. Everyone besides Simon and August. August was still on the medical bed and Simon was getting off of the floor next to me and walking to Violet, his breathing calm and collected.

"Violet...." He said softly and warily. He was still scared.

"What's your name?" She said softly her eyes still glowing and her body unresponsive.

"Logan, One shot, and Arrow head are a few names that I go by." This time her voice is demonic and almost like a male voice. I felt the tension in Simon's pack increase at the mention of the name.

"Oh and just for future reference, when you are at your weakest I will be there. I never go away, I'm your living nightmare." The voice came again, seeming to talk directly to us.

"That's not possible! He can't be here!" Simon yelled pulling at his hair.

"Then how do you explain the arrow?!" Yelled Rachel and the rest nodded in agreement. I keep my eyes on Violet as I get up and walk to her, kneeling down next to her.

"I can't explain the arrow. But neither can you guys so shut it." He says calmly, he seems to have cooled down very fast. Violet suddenly jerks forward, and coughs up blood.

"Violet! Shit! What happened? Are you ok?" I immediately went into panic when I saw the blood on the floor that came from Violet.

"I'm fine. Just shooken up." She said softly, her voice is fragile and she looks like she is broken. Badly broken. I want to fix her, help her.

Her pack members all ran up to her and huged her tightly. They are her family... Not me. I rejected her, and I regret it. So damn much.

"Violet... If he is truly back then that means we have to keep you safe no matter what. You know what that means, so don't try and sneak off like last time."Alpha Simon warned Violet. I have so many questions.

"Wait I'm so confused. What the hell it's happening?" I ask, getting frustrated. Violet sighs after her pack members all nod at her.

"Ok sit down." She tells me and I sit down, but only because I want this to be explained.

'Sure, and it's so not because Mate told us to.' Leo said, I blocked him out because of the comment even if I knew it was true.

"So about a week after joining Simons pack and all of the ceremonies and celebrations, I had to reveal my wolf to the pack. I had no problem with this because I trusted them, they treated me like family." She glares at me as she said that last part.

"They we're shocked to see the color of my wolf. They thought that the black wolf was just a old story that was told by the adults. So about a month after I showed my wolf to them my dad came to visit, he had told me all about what I was able to do, all about my mom, but then after that the dangers and threats started to come." She explained and looked down at the floor, her head in her hands and her elbows on her knees. I wanted to help, I wanted to comfort her.

"We could easily fight them off, we always could, compared to us they we're target practice. Then came the main threats, one much harder to beat then the other. One was Connor my uncle who only wanted my power. He would launch a attack but would stay behind his men like a coward. The other one... His name is Logan but is better known as arrow head." She pauses as she takes a deep breath.

"He is the one wolf that is almost able to beat the black wolf. He was born with some of the powers I was born with, he has the ability to kill me I was caught by him at a weak point." She says through gritted teeth. Then she looks at me.

"Are you confused now?" I shake my head no at her.

(Sorry I haven't been active, I had writer's block and a bad case of laziness, anyway what do you think about Logan? Make sure to comment it really helps.)

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