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"She had a galaxy in her eyes, a universe in her mind."


F R E Y A  H A D  woken up with one thing on her mind.

Her sweet buns.

She had slept for a good forty minutes and the two buns that sat on her night table were no longer warm. Grabbing them off the table, Freya pouted slightly but eagerly bit into the fluffy goodness anyway.

Her parents had yet to arrive home, but that was nothing unusual. She pulled herself up from the bed, fiddling with the bottom of her sweater as she pattered towards her desk. She bit off another piece of the bun as she eyed the white bag laying in front of her.

She needed to do work. She knew that.

But she really couldn't be bothered.

Stuffing another bit of bread in her mouth and softly shrugging her shoulders to herself, she turned away from her desk, deciding that there was plenty of time to do work later. For now, she had more important activities.

Freya knelt on the floor next to her bed, reaching underneath to pull out a small chest. A smile tickled the sides of her lips as she unclasped the lid and opened the box; inside were her most prized possessions.

Her sketching pencils.

She pulled out the roll up bag, revealing the multitude of papers underneath. Reaching underneath the bed again, she pulled out an art book, opening it to the first page. All the pages she had used before had been carefully cut out and placed inside her chest to hide them from snooping eyes. She unrolled the small bag, grasping a 2B pencil in her hand, poising it above the paper before halting. Freya's teeth caught hold of her bottom lip as she debated on what to draw; it didn't take long to decide.

Her hand begun moving across the paper, alternating the pressure as she tried to do justice to the real thing. Her tongue crept along her lips, poking out at the edge as she concentrated on the image in her head; it was a habit she had failed to grow out of.

After a good ten minutes, Freya was finally semi-satisfied with the finished product in front of her; though there seemed to still be something missing.


She got up, scampering off to her desk as she obsessively searched for her coloured pencils. She knew they were in one of the drawers. She let out a huff of victory and plopped back down on the floor before getting back to work. She usually hated working with colour, but she needed it this time. The colour was the most important and captivating thing about the image.

She worked even longer on this portion of the picture. Twenty-five minutes had flown by before she finally sat back with a small smile. She stretched up, trying to rid her body of kinks but only succeeded in falling onto her back. She giggled slightly, rolling to the side before reaching down and grabbing the artbook. She bit her lip as she stared at the picture; she wasn't going to pretend that she didn't know what it was. She knew full well who's eyes she had drawn.

The dark green irises seemed to leap off the page and she felt her heart race as if he was actually in the room with her. Her body's response confused her, but she couldn't deny that she enjoyed the feeling. A small part of her wished he truly was there.

That's when Freya decided to stop denying it and fess up.

She was slightly crushing on the broody boy who had touched her as if she were made of porcelain and he was scared of breaking her. She couldn't help it. Having never received all that much attention from boys before, her naïve heart had grasped onto the first one who did. She couldn't help but feel it was the right decision though; he made her feel safe. How could that be a bad thing?

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