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"Your future needs you. Your past doesn't."



A FEW short hours after reuniting with Falcon, Freya found herself alone once again. He had been fine for the first hour or two, but then he began to get fidgety; constantly glancing at his watch and letting his thoughts drift off.

He had used that wording of 'tying up loose ends' again as an excuse before promptly leaving with a chaste kiss and a strained smile. Had she had the time, she may have asked him about his supposed 'loose ends', but as it was, she was left clueless and wondering.

A few miles away, Falcon was entering the electric doors to the hospital, hands stuffed in his pant's suit pockets as he looked around at the flurry of nurses and families. With a deep breath, he approached the front counter, taking one hand out of his pocket to tap the wooden desk slightly in nervousness.

His eyes skimmed the room again before the recetionist's voice grabbed his attention. 
"Can I help you, sir?" the young man smiled warmly at Falcon.

Falcon's brow furrowed as he thought about his reasons for visiting.
"Ah, yeah," he cleared his throat. "Do you know which room Dennis Anders is in? I don't know if it's still the same one as a few months ago."

The man nodded and politely asked Falcon to wait a moment as he checked the hospital records. The man's smile grew as he looked back up at Falcon.
"Are you family?" he questioned.

Falcon nodded slowly, his hand tapping on the wood again as he pulled on his lower lip with his teeth.
"Yeah," he responded before swallowing harshly. "I'm his son."

It felt wrong to call himself the bastard's son, but it was a necessary evil.

The man nodded and tapped a few more keys on the computer in front of him.
"He's in room 23, on the second floor," the man reported back.

Falcon was about to thank him and turn to leave when the man continued.
"If you need any help moving him, don't hesitate to call a nurse," he encouraged.

Falcon's head tipped to the side, his mouth turned down in a frown as he turned his questioning eyes back to the man.
"Move him?" he asked in confusion. "Why would I move him?"

The young man's smile dimmed slightly as surprise flooded his features.
"Weren't you informed that he woke up?" the man's brow creased in question.

"Woke up?" Falcon echoed the words that hung in the air between them. "He's awake?"

A shiver travelled down Falcon's spine and he took a deep breath in an effort to shake the fear crawling over him.

"Ah, yes," the receptionist said slowly with furrowed brows. "As his son, you should have been informed about that."

Falcon shook his head, his mind distracted as his eyes fell to the floor.
"No," he mumbled. "No one here has my number. I've been away for the last few months."

The receptionist's mouth formed a small 'o' as he nodded in understanding before smiling once again.
"Well," he grinned. "I'm sure this is happy news to you then."

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