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"I'm not afraid of dying. But living in a world without you... terrifies me."


Fourteen Years Ago

"Come on," 11-year-old Kace whined as he pulled along his younger brother behind him.

Falcon dragged his feet, ignoring the tugs his older brother delivered to his hand. They had walked the entire way home and he was tired. The bag strapped to his back weighed him down and he felt the urge to stamp his feet, cross his arms, and refuse to walk any longer - as five-year-olds often did.

"Falcon," Kace dragged out in a groan. "Come on. We're gonna be late for Mama's birthday."

He continued to drag Falcon behind him, irritation lining his young features.
"I swear to God if this is what you're going to be like every time we walk home," Kace trailed off with a huff.

Falcon took another stepped and pouted as exhaustion filled his body.
"I don't wanna walk anymore, Kacey," He said, feeling the urge to lie on the ground and let his brother drag him back home.

Kace let out a frustrated sigh before stopping and facing his little brother. He placed his hands on his hips before rubbing a hand down his face.
"Fine," He grunted. "Here, give me your backpack."

He held his hand out for Falcon's backpack and was holding the strap of it within seconds. He shifted his own bag so it hung off a single shoulder before pulling Falcon's bag over the other shoulder. Rolling his eyes in mild annoyance, Kace picked up Falcon - thanking God he was bigger than most kids his age - and carried him the rest of the way home.

Upon approaching the steps of their house, Falcon wriggled in excitement and practically jumped out of Kace's arms - narrowly missing the possibility of cracking his head open on the pavement.

Kace blew out a sigh and let his brother run free. He was their parent's responsibility now. Falcon pushed the door open and ran inside, eagerly jumping into the open pair of arms waiting for him.

"Mama!" His happy cry bounced off the walls and was quickly followed by his mother's laughter.

"Hi, baby," She chuckled. "How was my little man's day today, huh?"

Falcon began rattling off about the exciting events of kindergarten as his mother smiled and responded in the appropriate places. He was interrupted by a boisterous voice echoing down the hall, igniting a squeal of laughter from the little boy as he was suddenly lifted out of his mother's arms.

"Ah, our little prince has returned," His father's warm eyes greeted Falcon as he was nestled on the man's hip. The man's eyes turned to the older boy who finally made his way through the door. "And my little warrior."

Their father grinned and tucked Kace under his arm, pressing a kiss to the top of his head. Their mother joined the little group, loosely wrapping her arms around her husband's waist before kissing Falcon's cheek and stroking the side of Kace's face with a gentle hand.

"Happy birthday, Ma," Kace said with a small smile.

His mother grinned in response, excitement lighting her eyes as she began to usher her little family towards the living room. The small coffee table that sat between two couches was filled with snack foods and presents. Falcon wriggled out of his father's arms and made a beeline towards the chocolate squares that were lying on a silver platter.

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