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"You are the peace I crave in this chaotic world."


O U T  O F  habit, Falcon woke up as the sun began to rise through Freya's open window. He was used to being up early; he would often leave his house by six in the morning, filling his time with the things he was unable to do the night before. 

For a moment, he had forgotten where he was and his mind reeled behind his closed eyelids as he tried to think of all the possible reasons as to why there was another body next to him. Of course, his inner argument died in a second when he opened his eyes and the memories of last night came back to him.

Waking up with Freya in his arms was something like a miracle. Something he thought would never happen, but it had, and that was enough to send a strange sense of relief running through his veins. He turned his attention to the angel in his arms. She, of course, was still sleeping soundly as she most likely did every morning at this hour. Falcon didn't mind that she wasn't awake and entertaining him with her usual adorable quirks; he was quite content to study her features as she slept.

His eyes settled on a small scar residing at the beginning of her left eyebrow and the knowledge that she had been hurt badly enough to scar sometime in her life left a bitter taste in the back of his mouth and a frown etched across his features. He wanted to have been there, to have saved her from every little pain, every little discomfort.

For the first time, Falcon noticed that she had a light dusting of freckles over her delicate nose; something so common, yet he found it impossibly endearing on her. His eyes continued their path down, leading down to a perfectly plump set of rosy lips that left Falcon tempted as he tried to contain himself. The clothes she wore didn't help in his situation as they left little to the imagination and Falcon had a very active one.

Tearing his eyes away from where they had unknowingly landed, a knock on the bedroom door alerted Falcon that time had slipped away and it was time to wake Freya up before finding a way to slip out unseen. He gently shook the small girl beside him, whispering in her ear as a way to lull her out of sleep. A small whine erupted from her pouting lips and instead of making a move to get up, Freya curled back up against Falcon's chest and continued her soft snores.

Falcon's expression melted at the sight of her little fists grasping his shirt, but he knew she would be mad if he allowed her to sleep in and be late, so after another moment, Falcon sat up, pulling Freya into his lap. "Freya," he cooed. "Come on, baby. You've got to wake up."

He rubbed soothing circles on her back as she whined again, stuffing her face into his chest. Unable to resist, Falcon pecked her nose lightly, smiling when she scrunched it up, finally gracing him with the view of her big brown eyes.

"Good morning, baby girl," he said softly.

Freya whined once again - obviously talking in the morning wasn't something she was fond of - and began to close her eyes. Falcon chuckled, lifting her up from his lap and setting her on her feet before she had a chance to fall back to sleep. "Nope," he grinned. "No more sleeping. Come on, angel, time to get ready."

Just as Falcon began to shuffle her towards her closet, the door to her bedroom swung open, Falcon's heart stuttering as he debated between hiding Freya or himself. Freya, however, didn't seem concerned in the least as she smiled at the lady in the doorway. "Morning Kendra," she spoke, her slightly hoarse voice sending shivers down Falcon's smile, his grip on her waist tightening in response.

Kendra smiled adoringly at the young girl before her eyes travelled over to Falcon, raising an eyebrow in question. A small smirk crept onto the maid's features as she planted a hand on her cocked hip. "Good morning to you too, my little flower," Kendra's smile grew. "Who's this?"

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