Obtuse, rubber goose, green moose, guava juice

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Aizawa- Dadzawa/Catman
Present Mic- Mommada/CrimsonChin
Nezu- Nezu
All Might- All Might
Ms. Joke- Joker
Midnight- Hello kinky
13- Apollo 13/Houston
Snipe- Meme machine
Recovery Girl- Granny
Ectoplasm- Ecto
Power Loader- Backhoe
Vlad King- Vlad King
Tensei Iida- Elbow deep
Hitoshi- zonked
Grand Torino- Grandpa
Best Jeanist- Nice_Legs_Daisy_Dukes


Nezu added Houston to chat

Houston: I'm back sluts

Vlad king: 13?

Houston: Ye

Nezu: Stop calling me a slut

Houston: Nah

Ecto: Why are you calling him a slut again?

Nezu: Somehow shut autocorrected to slut when I was texting them earlier

Nezu: This is the 4th time this has happened.

Meme machine: Where have you been 13?

Houston: Switched phone companies just so I could get that new phone lol

Ecto: Wjy?

Houston: I got a potentially 200-300 dollar phone, that just came out, for free

Meme machine: Teach me your ways

Houston: I literally switched to a new better company, added a couple people to my plan, and ye

Houston: I got a deal

Hello kinky: I'd do that but I'm actually on Shota's and Zashi's plan. We split the bill.

Nezu: Speaking of Eraser, @Mommada how is he? Has he calmed down?

Hello kinky: Actually they aren't gonna be in the chat today. They sorta had a fight last night which I had to go over and make sure Hizashi wouldn't accidentally use his quirk....

Nezu: Oh

All Might: Give them their space today. They don't normally go more than 24 hrs apart after a fight.

Hello kinky: Yeah, just don't try to meddle with the issue or try to get them to talk. They are both like suuuper stubborn in these types of situations.

Houston: Everything alright with Aizawa though? He doesn't normally blow up at other people.

Hello kinky: Honestly not my place to tell you about his situation, sorry

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