Title or something

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Aizawa- Cat
Present Mic- Birb
Nezu- Nezu
All Might- All Might
Ms. Joke- Joker
Midnight- Witching hr/ Ruby
13- Houston
Snipe- Bronco
Recovery Girl- Granny
Power Loader- Backhoe
Vlad King- Vlad King
Tensei Iida- Elbow deep
Hitoshi- Tired zombie/Slep
Grand Torino- Grandpa
Best Jeanist- Nice_Legs_Daisy_Dukes
Naomasa- Inspector Gadget
Mt. Lady- Opal/Sapphire
Kamui Woods- Tree pun


Backhoe: Granny kiss kiss has finally healed me fuck yis

Granny: You are welcome my child

Elbows deep: So me and Muri is about to teach Tenya how to flirt and date

Bronco: I got some dating don'ts for him

Bronco: #1: when she tells you she's on speaker phone with her parents, don't start reciting the entire spript to Laramie season 1 episode 1. She will most defiantly dump you on the spot.

Elbow deep: Yeah..... Lil' Ten isn't into cowboys or the wild west so that won't be a problem

Witching hr: He's into studing, old anime, glasses, and following rules

Elbow deep: Anyway, does anyone have a spare white board?

Nezu: All we literally have now are smartboards. No one has useda white or chalk board in over 20 years...

Elbow deep: Well I feel old now.....

Witching hr: Hey where Shota and Zashi at? I called them like 7 times.

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