Break. a. vase. Its Halloween!

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*Hits you with some shameless self advertisement bullshit*

Aizawa- Cat
Present Mic- Birb
Nezu- Nezu
All Might- All Might
Ms. Joke- Joker
Midnight- Witching hr
13- Houston
Snipe- Bronco
Recovery Girl- Granny
Power Loader- Backhoe
Vlad King- Vlad King
Tensei Iida- Elbow deep
Hitoshi- Tired zombie
Grand Torino- Grandpa
Best Jeanist- Nice_Legs_Daisy_Dukes
Naomasa- Inspector Gadget
Mt. Lady- Opal
Kamui Woods- Tree pun


Birb: Sent 1 image(s)

Birb: We are prepared for Halloween tomorrow

Cat: She was too cute to say no! Fuck! We are the dj-kitty royal family

Bronco: Omg

Bronco: So you guys are the dj-kitty-kings?

Backhoe: Shinso is the dj-kitty-prince?

Houston: And Eri is the dj-kitty-princess?

Witching hr: This is adorable omfg

Birb: Wait I forgot 1!

Birb: Sent 1 image(s)

Birb: Monoma took one look into her eyes and couldn't say no

Witching hr: DJK ITTY-JESTER??? OMG

Cat: Hitoshi and Monoma had their costumes ready for a month but they just couldn't turn down a 6 yr old's request

Cat: I mean look at us

Cat: Hizashi just got his creme yellow colored suit dry cleaned for Belle but I stayed up 4 nights in a row to make these

Backhoe: I didn't even know you could fucking sew

Cat: My mother is a surgeon. She taught when I was 10

Cat: "Mom, why do I have to learn to sew. Kids will call me gay if they find out I can sew like a girl does." "So if an accident happens you can sew someone up. And its not gay to learn how to sew!"

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