Fuck: the sequel

14.9K 455 1.6K

Aizawa- Catman
Present Mic- CrimsonChin
Nezu- Nezu
All Might- All Might
Ms. Joke- Joker
Midnight- Hello kinky
13- Houston
Snipe- Meme machine
Recovery Girl- Granny
Power Loader- Backhoe
Vlad King- Vlad King
Tensei Iida- Elbow deep
Hitoshi- zonked
Grand Torino- Grandpa
Best Jeanist- Nice_Legs_Daisy_Dukes
Naomasa- Inspector Gadget
Mt. Lady- Opal
Kamui Woods- Tree pun


zonked: Its fun to stay at the

zonked: Y

zonked: M

zonked: C

zonked: A

Catman: Son are you okay?

zonked: Not in the slightest, no.

Catman: Okay just checking

zonked: I'm in Mo's dorm. We're having a small dance party because we can't focus to study.

Catman: Child

Catman: Fuckin' study

Catman: Or I will go up there and show off embarrassing pictures

zonked: NO!

Joker: Do itttttt

Vlad king: Woah Ms Joke where have you been the past couple of days? Haven't seen you in the chat lately.

Joker: Doing stuffs

Hello kinky: Where you pranking people on tinder again?

Vlad king: Pranking the super horny and super lonely is not okay

Joker: I don't catfish them or anything if that's what your thinking. I send random guys and gals some cheesy inspiring shit. Sometimes memes too.

Joker: My profile pic is me wearing a horse mask and lingerie lol

Joker: But no, I haven't been doing that.

Joker: I've just been busy is all.

All Might: Hi I've been in pain on a count of the huge scar in my abdomen how have you all been?

Catman: No one likes you when your in pain

Catman: I especially don't

Catman: I've never liked you

Catman: Your a butt

All Might: I guess I should feel hurt? But I don't feel hurt at all.

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