Chapter 20

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A ray of sunshine is passed through the window and falls on the sleeping figure on the bed making the person  squirm on the bed.

The person groans and pulls the covers fully up to her face and sleeps again.

But then a loud shring is vibrated in  the whole room for which the person grumpily gets up and stops the alarm.

She falls back on the bed and stares at the ceiling.

Her mind revolves around the thoughts of the person who was her first love and now stranger Sameer Khanna.

Tears brim her eyes as she thought of his apology. She thinks that he can't just walk into her life back by just saying sorry.

A whirlwind of emotions stirred in her when she saw how guilty he was and how sincere his apology was.

Her heart ached seeing him in tears. She loved him and she cannot see him like this.

But she couldn't do anything because she cannot forget what happened.

Maybe time will tell what will happen.....

She never for once thought that she will be working with that person with whom she cut all her ties more than two years back.

Her mind went to that awful day when she lost her best friend and her first love.

Things weren't easy for her after that. She cried a lot over all this and avoided him like plague.

After exams and all she had calmed down a bit but the hurt and pain were still there. Whenever she got reminded of that day she felt not only hurt and disappointed but also guilty.

Yes! She felt guilty for slapping Sameer. Whatever the situation was she shouldn't have lost control and slapped him like that in front of everyone, after all he was the person she loved with her heart and soul.

When Jai said she can't even hurt a fly, it was true.

How much ever she wants to forget that incident she couldn't and it would bring back all the unnecessary feelings back.

When her cousin said that she is going to New York for her master's and told Piyu also to join with her she couldn't say no.

Even though it hurts her to be away from her family which she had never done in her life and best friends she decided to go as this will be the only way to forget all this and move on in her life.

Surely, it helped her to move on and forget the past for time being. It helped her heart to heal and she concentrated on her studies there.

Whom she is kidding?

She may forget all these for a while but not forever. Although she made some friends in New York, she never let anyone in. She built walls around her so that no one can come and break her again.

She missed India. She missed her parents. She missed her best friends. She missed this environment, this food and this air.

She came back to India after she completed her master's and was glad to meet the people she loved the most.

She was brought out of her thoughts when she heard her alarm snooze again.

She got up from bed and went for shower. While showering she thought about how she met Sameer.

After she came back from New York, her father suggested that she should be the part of AJ's, their company. But Piyu declined as she told him that she will first learn the work and then she will know that she will be fit into any position or not.

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