Chapter 35

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" Because..... I Love her."

Both Jai and Rads snapped their heads in shock towards Sam whose back is facing them. Then they both looked at each other in disbelief and then at Sam.

" What?" Rads whispered.

" Yes." Sam said and turned to look at them.

" Are you serious?" She asked him and he nodded.

" How? When?" She asked him with wide eyes.

" Always." Sam replied sighing.

" What do you mean always?" Jai voiced out.

" I have always loved her...infact only her but I didn't realise it sooner." Sam said looking down.

" Sam! Can you please elaborate? I can't understand anything!" Rads exclaimed impatiently.

" Guys, I have loved her from college itself but I didn't know that it was love. We used to be over protective over her but I used to be over possessive over her then and even now also. I used to get jealous whenever she talks to any guy or any guy comes close to her. I always had feelings for her but didn't realize it until......" Sam explained intensely and stopped closing his eyes tightly.

" Until?" Jai asked sternly.

" Until I had done the most stupidest thing and lost her. Her slap that day showed me the truth and when she walked away from me, I realised I loved her. But it was too late as I lost her. I tried to apologise her but she disappeared and I didn't get the chance to say I am sorry and I love you to her. And when I saw her here after 2 years I decided I should apologise and get back my best friend. I apologized her and I know it's difficult for her to forgive but it's ok because I know I don't deserve her forgiveness." Sam said sadly and blinked back the tears.

Rads was grinning with tears and Jai was thinking hardly with a frown. Rads saw love in his eyes these past few days when they were with him but she didn't know that Sam actually loved Piyu. She know how much Piyu loved Sam and always felt bad for her unrequited love.

" Sam, what I heard is true? I mean that you love her?" Rads asks him going near him holding his hands.

" It's true. I have always loved her, loving her and will love her forever." Sam said honestly making her hug him tightly.

" Jai did you listen? Sam loves her." Rads said happily looking at him but Jai stood calm.

" Rads please don't tell Piyu about this. If she comes to know about my feelings she may again distance herself from me and hate me again. I don't want to lose her again, I am happy just being friends with her So please don't tell her." Sam pleaded.

"  But Sam! Piyu lov......" Rads was cut off.

" Guys we are back!" They heard Piyu from the other side.

Three of them snapped their heads towards her to see Piyu grinning widely and Pari holding a big white fluffy teddy bear in her hands.

Sam composed himself and walked towards them smiling.

" Angel, what's all this?" Sam asked smiling at her.

" Didi gave me." She replied smiling at Piyu.

" Piyu, why did you buy all this? She has already many fluffy toys." Sam asked her.

" It's ok Sam, I want to give her something that's why I bought it for her." Piyu said smiling at Pari.

" Mumma must be waiting for you, shall we go home?" He asked her and she nodded.

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