Chapter 26

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Sameer walked into his office with a smile on his face which made his staff look at him stunned. He was smiling all the time since he came to know that his friends don't hate him.
His mother and his staff were looking at him weirdly, his mother because she didn't see him happy since his father died and his staff because they never saw him smiling.

When he entered into the meeting room, he saw Rads and Piyu were already there talking and doing their work.

Actually it was Rads who is blabbering continuously and Piyu was just nodding her head once in while doing her work on laptop.

He smiled shaking his head looking at  them.

" You are not listening. Are you?" Rads asked Piyu who again just nodded her head absentmindedly looking into her laptop.

" Piyu! " Rads exclaimed pouting.

" What?" Piyu asked looking startled.

Sam laughed at them making his whole staff gasp loudly.

" Good Morning." He said smiling and  took his seat.

" What so funny Sam?" Rads asked rolling her eyes.

His smile widened when he listened to his friend calling him as Sam.

" You." He said shrugging and she glared at him.

" So what you are all doing?" Sam asked.

" Look at these designs that Rads completed, we should finalise and select some designs from them." Piyu said passing him a file.

He looked into the file and remained awestruck. They were perfect like exactly what he thought and examined each design.

He looked at Rads from corner of his eye. She looked nervous and so he thought he will play with her.

" Umm.....these designs....." He paused and started drinking water while rads is looking at him impatiently.

" I think the designs are....." He paused again.

" Ms. Priya, what about the file I have asked you?" He asked his PA and she quickly handed him the file.

He looked at Rads who is tapping her foot furiously.

" about the designs....." He paused again looking at Piyu who is biting her lip to stop herself from laughing looking at Rads who is ready to strangle Sam.

Rads glared at Sam hardly as she was too much irritated by his dramatic pauses and was losing her cool.

" Ok.ok..... The designs are perfect." Sam said seriously.

It took some time for Rads to register about what he said and the smiles Piyu and Sam are giving her confirmed that she heard right.

" You Idiot! You scared me." Rads yelled and smacked Sam on the back side of his head making his staff gasp loudly and stand in their places with wide eyes.

Piyu looked at his staff and couldn't stop anymore. She laughed loudly looking at everyone's reaction in the room.

Sam glared at Rads rubbing his head with his hand.

While Rads looked at Sam who is scowling at her, then Piyu who is laughing and then Sam's staff who stood there stunned with wide eyes looking at her like she is some ghost.

How can I forget that Sam is their Boss and CEO of a company.

Sam looked at Piyu who is laughing which made his heart warm, then looked at his staff and sighed. He then glanced at Rads who is smiling sheepishly at him scratching her head.

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