Chapter 31

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Confusion, excitement, anxious, happiness, fear.....These are all the emotions Piyu is experiencing right now.....all at the same time.

Confusion.....Why Sameer is behaving so lovingly with her?

Anxious.....Does he have feelings for her or was he just kidding?

Excitement.....The way he is flirting with her made her excited.

Happiness.....The words he said to her made her feel special and happy.

Fear.....what if it's all a dream? What if it ends even before it started? What if she gets hurt again?


She entered into the floor where the studio room is located and opened the door of the room which is dark and empty.

She frowned and called for the director. Lights got switched on and people came to her nervously.

" Aren't you supposed to be shooting now?" She asked them.

" Yes Madam." Director said.

" So what happened then?" Piyu asked confused.

Director, photographer and their assistants are looking at each other panicked.

" Maam actually......" Photographer stuttered.

" What's the problem?" She asked them calmly.

" Ms. Kiara." They all muttered at once.

" What she did?" She asked them frowning.

" Maam..... We can't photoshoot with that egoistic girl. She has problem with everything. She doesn't like designs, she doesn't like makeup artists, she doesn't like my photography, she doesn't listen to what director says and she wants everyone to listen to only her." Photographer finished his ranting about Kiara.

" So why didn't you inform about this to Sam then?" Piyu asked them.

" Because we don't want to get fired." They all said.

" Why will he fire you all?" Piyu asked scrunching her brows in confusion.

" Because he is her boyfriend." Some assistant said and others gasped.

" What?" Piyu asked shocked and they all remained silent.

" Who told you guys that he is her boyfriend?" Piyu asked blankly.

" She herself told maam." Director said.

" And infact now, she went to him only to complain about us." Other assistant said.

" And we will lose our jobs." Make up man said making everyone grimace.

Piyu pressed her lips in a thin line thinking and looked up smiling at them.

" Don't worry guys. Nobody is going to lose their jobs." She assured them turning to leave.

" But Sir....." They asked doubtfully.

" I will handle him." She said walking towards exit and stopped turning towards them.

" You all also come with me and sit in the conference room." She said and left with them following her.

Piyu was beyond angry with all this especially at Kiara. She reached Sam's cabin and barged in impatiently but what she saw made her words die in her throat only.

Sam and Kiara stood in a very compromising position. Sam was leaning on to his desk and Kiara was hovering over him with her arms around her neck and her face very close to his face.

UNREQUITED LOVE ❤️💔Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora